At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, Ukrainians add watermelon to their diet. Family doctor Denis Savoshchenko debunked myths about this berry and told how much of it can be eaten per day without harm to health.
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Photo – Lisa Fotios/
Savoschenko told The Village that the watermelon, beloved by many, contains a large amount of magnesium and B vitamins, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The berry also contains ascorbic acid, an anti-inflammatory vitamin that strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
The doctor added that this bright representative of melon crops also has detoxifying properties and saves from dehydration, NBN reports.
According to the family doctor, myths have developed around the berry regarding the high content of nitrates and pesticides. The latter can only be in the watermelon peel, which does not allow them to get from the soil into the pulp.
Nitrates, as Savoshchenko explained, stimulate plant growth; when they get into the watermelon, they turn into amino acids and build proteins from them. This is what happens in a ripe fruit, so they should be chosen in stores and supermarkets.
Buy a watermelon with a dry tail, then wash it thoroughly and do not eat the peel. The doctor emphasized that it is better not to consume more than 1 kg of this berry per day.
Earlier, the nutritionist answered when you need to eat in order not to gain weight, and whether you should skip breakfast.