• 06/02/2025 02:43

Angel Day of Nina, Klavdiya, Alexandra and Nikita: what not to do on November 6

ByJohn Newman

Nov 6, 2024

We tell you what you can’t do on November 6 so as not to lose your happiness, and also who celebrates their name day on this day according to the new church calendar.

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Angel Day of Nina, Klavdia, Alexandra and Nikita: what you can’t do on November 6

Photo – Mario Wallner/pexels.com

According to popular beliefs, on Wednesday, November 6, in order not to lose your happiness, it is strictly forbidden to take out the trash from the house or give away any things, abuse alcohol, borrow or lend money, go out on the water or sail in boats, or engage in hard work.

Our ancestors believed that on this day it is also worth refraining from thinking and speaking badly about people, NBN reports.

According to the new church calendar, today is the name day of Alexandra, Nina, Klavdia, Nikita, Konstantin, Luka, Arsen, Pavel, Nikolai, Gabriel, Vasily, Victor and Anatoly. Here is what some of them mean:

The name Alexandra means “defender” or “brave” in Greek. She is a selfless, purposeful, diligent, hardworking, sincere woman who achieves success in everything she undertakes.

She loves an active lifestyle, visiting and hosting receptions at home, and can spontaneously go on a trip. She communicates easily with people, has many friends, but rarely lets anyone into her inner world.

Nina (in the Sumerian language – “queen”) is friendly, always ready to help loved ones, gets along well with children and loves animals. This woman values ​​personal space, is not afraid to be different from others, lives the way she thinks is right.

Usually devoted to herself and her principles, does not listen to others, but does not try to prove anything to anyone in this way.

The name Claudia has an ancient Roman origin from the family name Claudius and means “to limp”. The owner of this name is simple-minded, straightforward, cheerful and friendly.

She loves change, strives for material goods, so she chooses a profession that will allow her to stand firmly on her feet, but she cannot stand monotonous work. This woman is beautiful, mysterious, charming, self-confident, which attracts many fans.

Nikita (from ancient Greek “winner” or “unconquered”) – knows his worth, always achieves what he wants and does not allow himself to be controlled, serious, self-confident. He is also fair, straightforward, honest and stubborn. Feels comfortable in noisy companies, loves to travel.

This man will not gossip behind your back, will always tell the unpleasant truth to the face even of his best friends, to whom he is devoted throughout his life. His persistence allows him to achieve success in his career. He likes to look expensive, so he dresses beautifully and takes care of his hair.

Earlier we talked about the meaning of the names Gabriel, Grigoriy and Timofey.


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