We tell you what to name a child born on December 9, and also list the main prohibitions of this day, according to the popular beliefs of Ukrainians.
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Photo – Francesco Paggiaro/pexels.com
Monday, December 9, is the name day of Anna, Alexander, Vasily, Stepan and Vladimir. A child born today can choose one of these names, “NBN” reveals their meaning:
Anna (from ancient Greek “favor”) – a responsible, kind, attentive woman who is ready to help even strangers;
Alexander(from ancient Greek “warrior”, “courageous”, “defender of people”) has an active and assertive character, he is a leader with a strong will, who is ready to face challenges;
Stepan (from ancient Greek “crown”, “crown”) is a serious, hardworking man with a strong character, who is not afraid of difficulties;
Vasily (from ancient Greek “king”, “royal”) is a friendly, pleasant person who is always ready to help loved ones and will never leave them in trouble;
Vladimir (from Old German “great strength” or “great power”) is a leader, an excellent strategist, conscientious in work and a stronghold of peace in the family.
According to popular beliefs, everything that a pregnant woman does today can affect her child. Therefore, she was forbidden to light a fire so that the child would not get a birthmark, to do needlework, in particular sewing, otherwise the baby could be covered in the umbilical cord.
Also on this day, you should not do housework, leave your home unnecessarily after sunset, think about bad things, gossip and swear.
Earlier we talked about the meaning of the names Nikolai and Maxim.