In the midst of the winter holidays, fresh vegetables are needed to prepare vitamin salads, and buyers may face uneven price dynamics for cucumbers and tomatoes.
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As reported by NBN with reference to the thematic portal “Ministry of Finance”, domestic supermarkets adjusted the cost of popular vegetables at the beginning of the current month, and not always downwards.
In particular, cucumbers, in general, showed a price increase:
- the regular variety rose in price from 115.69 to 119.9 hryvnia/kilogram;
- the smooth variety – from 165.9 to 171.2 hryvnia/kilogram;
- long-fruited type, on the contrary, significantly decreased in price — from 148.32 to 84.5 hryvnia/kilogram;
- short-fruited variety — increased in price from 111.61 to 113.9 hryvnia/kilogram.
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Price tags for tomatoes have also undergone a number of changes:
- the red variety has become more affordable — from 122.36 to 113.25 UAH/kilogram;
- the pink variety has noticeably increased in price — from 144.38 to 179.9 UAH/kilogram;
- the “Slivka” variety remained practically at the December level, showing minimal growth — from 153.16 to 153.25 UAH/kilogram.
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