• 29/03/2025 08:12

Angel Day of Alla, Larisa and others: what is forbidden to do on March 26

ByJohn Newman

Mar 26, 2025

We will tell you what to name a child born on March 26, as well as what is forbidden to do today, according to Ukrainian folk beliefs.

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День ангела Аллы, Ларисы и других: что запрещено делать 26 марта

Photo – Pixabay / pexels.com

Wednesday, March 26, is the angel day of Alla, Larisa, Anna, Vasily, Stepan and Gavriil. A child born today can choose one of these names.

“NBN” reveals the meaning of the names Alla and Larisa:

Alla (from ancient Greek “other”, “different”) is a bright, powerful, purposeful, intelligent, energetic woman with a temperamental character. The owner of this name likes to express herself in society, recognition and fame are her meaning of life. Thanks to diligence, hard work and an iron grip, she achieves success in work, gives her all to the cause.

In relationships, Alla tries to dominate, often takes part in her husband’s affairs, and wants to be aware of all the family’s affairs.

Larisa (from Latin “seagull”) is a hardworking, sociable, active woman who is very demanding of herself. She is confident in her abilities, and can demolish everything in her path to achieve her goal. The owner of this name gives her all to work, is actively engaged in self-development, thanks to which she quickly moves up the career ladder.

Larisa usually marries quite late, will accept her chosen one with all his shortcomings and will not re-educate him. Will become an attentive wife and caring mother.

On this day, according to popular beliefs, in order not to bring troubles, poverty and illness into your life, it is forbidden to: work the land, start hard work, quarrel, put new things on the holiday table, eat heavy food and alcohol, break plants and cut down trees, throw away food and bread, refuse to help those in need.

Earlier we revealed the meaning of the names Savva and Tikhon.


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