Muscle twitching can mean anything. Perhaps you did a high-intensity workout at the gym a little too hard the other day, you're nervous, or you're dehydrated. Or maybe your muscles are cramping due to nutritional deficiencies.
ContentWhat is chronic kidney disease? Muscle twitching: causes related to the kidneys Muscle twitching is not the only symptom of chronic kidney disease Diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease
But there are more serious ones Causes of muscle twitching – for example, chronic kidney disease. WomanEL will talk about this disease and its symptoms.
What is chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, is a long-term condition in which the kidneys cannot function properly when it comes to removing excess fluid and waste from the body. Which leads to increased levels of potassium and phosphorus in the body and many other complications such as anemia, increased risk of infections, depression and loss of appetite.
Muscle twitching: kidney-related causes
When CKD severely impacts kidney function, your muscles will also suffer. The accumulation of metabolic waste in the body leads to muscle and nerve damage, twitching, weakness, cramps and muscle pain.
Other symptoms include a tingling sensation on the skin, loss of sensation in certain areas of the body, restless legs syndrome, lethargy, confusion.
Muscle twitching is not the only symptom of chronic kidney disease
According to experts, some symptoms of kidney disease can be easily confused with other diseases. “With kidney disease, symptoms usually do not appear until the very advanced stages, when the kidneys fail or when there is a large amount of protein in the urine. This is one reason why only 10% of people with chronic kidney disease know they have it,” explained National Kidney Foundation Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joseph Vassalotti.
Kidney warning signs that should not be ignored include tiredness, weakness, fatigue, trouble sleeping, dry and itchy skin, frequent urge to urinate (especially at night), bloody urine, puffiness around the eyes, swollen ankles and feet, symptoms, related to muscles, like the ones we discussed above.
A family history of chronic kidney disease and other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease may put you at risk of developing CKD.
Monitoring risk factors and symptoms, including those related to muscles, can help you treat the disease through lifestyle changes, medications, and sometimes surgery.
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease

Diagnosis of CKD includes blood and urine tests, as well as ultrasound , MRI or CT scan and kidney biopsy. There is no cure for chronic kidney disease. But lifestyle changes, as well as medications and sometimes dialysis, can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life. Stage 5, advanced stage of the disease, may require a kidney transplant.
Limit your sodium intake and eat a healthy diet with limited protein. Pay attention to your phosphorus and potassium intake, quit smoking. Limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and avoid taking medications that can further damage your body.
For muscle spasms, gentle stretching, massage, warm baths, comfortable shoes and drinking enough water. Muscle twitches and cramps can also occur during dialysis when fluid is rapidly being removed from the body or your blood pressure is low. Talk to your doctor if you experience muscle cramps during your dialysis treatment.
Pain, fatigue, and silent symptoms are all part of living with chronic kidney disease. But with proper care and lifestyle changes, you can live a long life with this disease.
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