• 15/03/2025 05:27

How to Lose Those Last 2kg: Expert-Approved Strategies

Anyone who has a long-term weight loss goal knows how rewarding it is to see your hard work reflected on the scale, and how frustrating it is when that number gets stuck just a few pounds away from your goal weight. Sometimes figuring out how to lose the last 2 kg seems even more difficult than 22.

ContentWhy it's harder to lose the last 2 kgHow to lose the last 2 kg: choose strength trainingKeep a food diaryHow to lose the last 2 kg: do less HIITDon't skip meals after trainingHow to lose the last 2 kg: do sleep is a priority

What to do? It is important to understand the reasons, as well as possible mistakes that you may make. WomanEL will help you figure it out.

Why is it harder to lose the last 2 kg

Unfortunately, the closer you get to your goal weight, the more you need to focus on small, detailed changes, and the harder it is to maintain your weight loss results. That's what Albert Matheny, M.S., M.D., says. “Your body has a certain weight range in which it wants to function. And as you get leaner, your body becomes less likely to lose excess weight.”

Not to mention, once you lose weight, your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body burns at rest, will decrease. In other words, the lighter you will need fewer calories per day to perform basic functions (like breathing) than when you were heavier. Michael Rebold, Ph.D., tells Shape.

Previous exercises that you might have counted on to burn calories easily suddenly don't have the same impact. For example, if walking a kilometer is no longer as difficult as it used to be, you need to work harder or longer to get the same calorie burn.

All this may seem depressing. But keep in mind: You've already done most of the work making your weight loss goal a reality. To close this gap, all you really need are the following weight loss strategies.

How to lose the last 2 kg: choose strength training

Strength training helps build muscle and burn fat, Source: freepik.com

Cardio is great; it may even have helped you get this far on your weight loss journey. “But strength training builds muscle mass, which increases your metabolism,” says Matheny. Unlike fat, muscle is a metabolically active tissue. Strengthen your body: the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn at rest.

Keep a food diary

Try recording your food for a few days; what you find may surprise you. For example, you may think that you only eat a few almonds every now and then throughout the day. But once you start logging your meals, you'll realize that you're actually taking a whole handful. Thus, instead of eating a reasonable portion (approximately 160 calories), you are eating an additional two to three hundred hidden calories per day.

Grab a pen and notepad (or download an app if you prefer) and start writing down everything you eat for the day. Continue until the scale moves or you notice that you are becoming more aware of your eating habits.

How to lose the last 2 kg: do less HIIT

Yes, HIIT offers weight loss benefits. But according to Matheny, overtraining has unpleasant side effects, including extreme soreness and fatigue, trouble sleeping, and lack of motivation—none of which will help you shed those last 5 pounds. Additionally, HIIT increases the body's cortisol levels (also known as the “stress hormone”). Over time, elevated cortisol levels can raise your blood sugar and encourage your body to hold on to the fat stores you're trying to get rid of.

Don't skip a post-workout meal

Eating (and drinking plenty of water) after a workout is important. When you eat, your body repairs itself. A protein snack that includes a small amount of carbohydrates will provide the nutrients you need to repair muscles and replenish glycogen stores, the storage form of carbohydrates. If you skimp on recovery snacks, your body won't be able to repair or build muscle, and your next workout won't be as effective. For a post-workout snack, consume 20 to 25 grams of protein and fewer than 250 calories. And if your workout lasts less than 30 minutes, limit your carbohydrate intake to less than 10 grams.

How to lose the last 2 kg: make sleep a priority

“People who don’t get more sleep, are more likely to crave fats and sweets, have a slower metabolism and increased insulin resistance, and eat more calories because they spend more time awake.” Jonathan Valdez, director of nutrition at Guild Magazine, says this. Try to sleep at least seven hours a night. To make it easier to fall asleep, create a relaxing pre-bed routine that avoids email and electronics.

Convinced you have a healthy metabolism? This is important not only for losing weight. Here are the signs that you are okay with it.

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