• 06/02/2025 00:03

New Instagram algorithms: which content will benefit

The social network Instagram is making changes to its content recommendation system. New algorithms are created to ensure that all users have an equal chance to advance. Previously, the social network promoted content based on the interaction of subscribers with it, says WomanEL.

As The Verge writes, Instagram recommendations will now give preference to original content and accounts with a small number of subscribers. New algorithms will show original content to a small audience that might like it. If the content engagement rates are high, such posts will be recommended to a wider audience, which will increase over time.

New algorithms Instagram. Source: The Verge

The biggest change concerns aggregator accounts that download or take screenshots of other users' videos and photos and repost them. Content authors will receive notifications when their original content replaces reposts.

Sometimes aggregators indicate the authorship of the original post by indicating it in the message or signature, but often the content is stolen en masse. The social network will delete publications from such accounts based on recommendations.

Accounts will again be able to be included in recommendations 30 days after the last re-posting of “unoriginal” content. At the same time, restrictions will not apply to accounts with licensing agreements or permissions to republish messages.

We previously told you how to make money from advertising on Instagram 2024: successful strategies for ordinary users.

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