• 05/02/2025 15:10

How to determine body disease by nails: 3 warnings

If you're someone for whom regular manicures are non-negotiable, you might want to consider ditching the nail polish from time to time. For what? To study the condition of the nail surface. It turns out that experts have long been trying to figure out how to determine a disease of the body by nails.

ContentYellow nails can signal a fungal infection and more How to identify a disease in the body by looking at your nails: the meaning of other color changes What does it mean when a pattern appears on your nails

Healthy toenails should have a smooth texture and a light pink tint. Any changes in nail color, texture, shape, pattern, or rate of nail growth may not seem that serious at first. But they potentially indicate health problems. WomanEL will share with you the secrets that your nails are trying to tell you.

Yellow nails can signal a fungal infection and more

Changing the color of your nails is one of the clues that can tell us a lot about our health. If your nails have started to turn yellow, it may be a sign that you have a fungal infection, says the American Academy of Dermatology.

According to a 2014 study published in PLoS Pathogens, men, older adults, people with certain medical conditions, or those who live in wetter climates tend to be at greater risk for a condition medically called “onychomycosis.” These fungal infections are more common on toenails than on fingernails. Persistent fungal infections can be difficult to treat once they occur and may require long-term combination treatment with topical medications, medications, or surgery.

Yellowing nails can also be associated with certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease or yellow nail syndrome. Experts at the Cleveland Clinic explain that yellow nail syndrome, although rare and not well understood, can be associated with blood flow problems or fluid buildup.

In addition to yellow nails, people with this condition often experience brittle, thickened, and curled nails. However, sometimes yellow nails can simply be the result of painting your nails red without applying a base coat first.

How to determine a disease of the body by nails: the meaning of other color changes

Pay attention to the color of your nails, any deviations may signal illness, Source: freepik.com

Other health conditions that can cause unusual changes in nail color include anemia, which can make our nails look pale. Alternatively, blue nails may indicate a lack of oxygen in our blood. White nails may be a symptom of diabetes or liver disease. The Weil Foot and Ankle Institute notes that white toenails, in particular, can potentially indicate a protein or calcium deficiency.

Additionally, bleeding due to a nail injury can cause the toenails to become legs will turn black or purple. However, unless you have recently stubbed your toe, purple-black toenails may be due to a bacterial infection, vitamin B deficiency, or in rare cases, cancer.

Our nails can also take on multiple colors at the same time. For example, nails that appear half white and half pink may be a sign of kidney disease. If you notice only a partial change in the color of your nails, such as a dark red crescent-shaped spot, this could signal arthritis, cardiovascular disease, lupus, etc. Similarly, a blue crescent-shaped spot could be a symptom of poisoning, e.g. , in case of argyria or silver poisoning, which can cause the skin and nails to take on a bluish tint.

What does it mean when a pattern appears on the nails

If you notice a pattern on your nails, they may be trying to advise you to call your doctor, especially if the pattern takes the form of dark streaks. The AAD reports that a dark vertical stripe appearing on a fingernail or toenail may be a sign of melanoma.

Alternatively, a condition known as “leukonychia” can cause a white, spotted pattern to appear on the nails. These small white spots usually result from trauma to the nails. They can also appear due to allergies, fungal infections, or the use of certain medications. For example, chemotherapy drugs have been reported to potentially affect our nails.

In rare cases, white spots on the nails may be associated with certain health problems such as diabetes, heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver or nutritional deficiencies . Heavy metal poisoning is also associated with leukonychia. If the cause is a nail injury, medical treatment is usually not required. Otherwise, consult your doctor.

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