• 12/03/2025 20:48

Danil Baranovsky: “The secret is that there are no secrets.”

Good afternoon, Danil! I'll start right away with the main question:  What does it feel like to be the most talked about blogger?

 Good afternoon, I must say that I have never strived to become the most discussed, I just share events from my life and my creativity with my audience. And so it turns out that this arouses such interest.

— Yes, your audience is very large, but what is the secret of such success and popularity?

— The secret is that there are no secrets. You just need to be yourself, be sincere and do what you like.

— How do you deal with publicity? How can you bear so much attention?

— What saves me is that I don’t go to any parties, I don’t go to premieres, to restaurants, and so on. I am a home person, I lead a very private lifestyle.

— Tell about yourself. What is Danil Baranovsky like? Cold, rational and unapproachable? 

— This is only at first glance. In fact, I’m a romantic at heart, I just haven’t found a girl yet who could break the ice.

— Recently on my Instagram  you admitted that you were not in a relationship, what is the reason for this?

— This is due to the fact that I have not yet met a worthy girl, perhaps yet, maybe she is somewhere nearby, or maybe  I even know her, but I just didn’t consider her in this role.

-In general,  what girl can be next to you? 

— Decent. This is the main quality that I value in people. The fact is that now, unfortunately  There are very few girls who need a serious relationship, and I don’t accept any other relationship. And I don’t even like the formulation of the relationship; there must be love, and not just statusin a relationship.

— What is love for you?

Love for me is not just a physical desire or a set of emotional reactions that arise when seeing the object of passion. Love is a conscious choice. Many people are familiar with the phrase — love lives for three years. For most young people, this phrase becomes an axiom, because they make their choice of partner unconsciously, they are controlled by hormones.

Photo from Instagram account of Danil Baranovsky (www.instagram.com/danil.baranowski/)

But for me, love is a conscious choice. True love is a close-knit union based on deep sincere feelings, in which you are responsible for both yourself and the other. This is a union in which the happiness of another is more important than your own. You cannot buy such love for any money, because it is based on altruism.

 In such a relationship, when both of your principles  unite, you are able to achieve great heights and realize yourself in the best possible way.

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