• 15/03/2025 22:24

Do you have a itchy throat? The axis is trying to tell you your body

Every hour after hour I feel a sore throat. If it drags a little and causes discomfort, it will inevitably disappear on its own. However, sometimes a persistent itching in the throat may indicate an underlying health problem. Why itch in the middle of the throat? What are you doing?

Content< /i>Why itch your throat in the middle: you have a seasonal allergyYou have a food allergyWhy itch your throat in the middle: you inhale obnoxious speeches or teasesYou have a primary cold Why itch your throat in the middle: you have acid refluxYou smokeWhy itch your throat in the middle: This is a side effect of your faces

WomanEL I would like to share with you the thoughts of Eric P. Voigt, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology.

Why is your throat itching in the middle: do you have seasonal allergy

Seasonal allergies are a real provocateur of symptoms and itchy throats. If you are allergic to something, for example, to saws, your body reacts to a chemical called histamine, which results in itchy eyes, congestion, undead and/or chugging in the nose and itching in the throat . And, unfortunately for allergy sufferers, the skin season has its own allergies that can provoke itching:

  • Spring. Spring brings a lot of saws, splinters of wood, sprouts and saplings.
  • Summer. When the weather is warm, grass files penetrate the wind.
  • Autumn. In spring there are a lot of flowers, fragments of tree leaves fall to the ground, trap water under them and decompose.
  • Winter. Winter time is the season of allergens, and many people spend more than an hour indoors, exposed to domestic critters, saws, downy carpets and fuzzy lights, as well as indoor creatures, such as targans and mice.

p>< strong>Resolution. Antihistamines, in the form of oral medications or nasal sprays, are a good first-line therapy for controlling an allergic reaction. Be aware of allergens if possible.

Do you have seasonal allergies? We have other good things for you to help alleviate the symptoms of life.

You have a food allergy

What people see itching in the throat after the hedgehogs, after the uniqueness of the hedgehogs, they go to the allergist for relief, Dzherelo: pexels.com

Like seasonal allergies, an allergic reaction can also occur in food. “A sore throat could be the first sign of a food allergy,” says Dr. Voigt. When your body encounters an allergen, which comes from a food product, it triggers an immune reaction. Signs of a grub allergy may include:

  • Kropiv’yanka;
  • Blackened skin or visip;
  • Pricking or itching in the mouth;< /li>
  • Swelling of the face, tongue or lips;
  • Vomit and/or diarrhea;
  • Swelling in the stomach;
  • Cough or butt;
  • Swelling in the abdomen;
  • Cough or buttock; li>
  • Confusion;
  • Swelling of the throat and vocal cords;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Waste of information.

Resolution. The main food allergens include milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, fox peas, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame. If you have a food allergy, always check your food supply and carry epinephrine.

Why itch the middle of your throat: you are inhaling abusive speeches or taunts

Poor air quality, such as air filled with dust, smoke, smog or other irritating gases, can cause an itchy throat. Although the air pollution outdoors is a big problem for your general health, you are not protected from the elements indoors either. According to the Agency for Toxic Spray and Disease Registry (ATSDR), indoor concentrations of many air pollutants can be as high as 100 times higher.

And an itchy throat may occur the tip of the iceberg when it comes to possible health effects from inhaling pollutants indoors. Exposure to bad air quality indoors can trigger or prevent the development of infections, lung cancer, and chronic lung diseases such as asthma.

  • Resolution. It is important to wear a respirator to filter the air, and also put on a mask. To reduce the number of irritating and annoying noises in your home, ventilate the areas well (although keep the windows away from the good air) and add a cleaner with a HEPA filter .

Dekhto also seems to be The cough is helped by the ointment chewer. Ale chi so tse? Axis seems to be an expert.

You have an emergency cold

An emergency cold or an infection may cause an itchy throat. “Viruses and bacteria can infect the eyes, nose and throat, leading to a sore throat,” says Dr. Voigt. Most often, these infections cause a sore throat.

Cream of prickly (or painful) throat symptoms, infections are also accompanied by additional symptoms such as body aches, fever, cough and excess mucus. These accompanying signs of illness are a sure way to eliminate an initial cold from an allergy.

  • Resolution. Treatment usually includes supportive therapy, such as hydration, fever chewables, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiviral or antibiotic therapy depends on the results of cultivation.

Do you need a solution for your cold and flu? TikTok is all about praising this natural fun.

Why itch in the middle of your throat: you have acid reflux

Acid reflux can sore the throat and cause itching. Wine occurs if instead of the slurry (urg, schlunic acid and enzymes) it rises up the passage from the slurry into the throat. A chronic form of reflux, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) can be caused by a sore throat, sore throat, sore throat and sore throat. In addition, symptoms of HERH include burning, burning or sour juice, and pain in the upper abdomen or breasts.

However, reflux is not always accompanied by other characteristic symptoms of HERH, according to Dr. Voigt. Considered as a silent reflux, laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) can lead to immediate problems with the throat:

  • Sore throat;
  • Slight wheezing;
  • Vidchutya breasts in the throat;
  • The need to clear the throat;
  • There is mucus stuck in the throat and/or postnasal drip;
  • Chronic (torny) cough;
  • Difficulty speaking;
  • Chervona, swollen or teasing larynx (voice apparatus);

Rishenya.Avoiding clear water intake, hot or sour water intake, caffeine, as well as late night intake can help alleviate reflux. You can also try natural remedies, for example, drinking licorice root tea.

You smoke

Chicken may gradually feel a prickly sensation in the throat. And these itching effects are not limited only by cigarettes. Vaping, hookah, or any other activity related to inhalation can cause unpleasant symptoms in the throat. This is due to the fact that chicken, no matter what it looks like, can cause discomfort and a sore throat. Factors such as heat (such as burning a cigarette) and smoke particles can damage the tissue of the throat.

Not to mention that cigarettes are carcinogens and chemicals that can irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, o bring up I'm itching in my throat.

  • Decision. Simple and understandable: get out of the way of bad lights.

Why itchy throat in the middle: this is a side effect of your lips

Tease and sore throat – Add to the typical potential side effects of these products. For example, one of the results of the use of ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme) and angiotensin receptor blockers – drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure – is an attack Abnormal cough. And a chronic cough can lead to a irritation and itching in the throat.

  • Resolution. If a person has symptoms in the side of their throat after starting new treatments, they should call their doctor and discuss it. The doctor may reduce the dosage or you may experience different symptoms.

Some people take ibuprofen without knowing about the effects. Don't hesitate if you have an allergy.

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