• 05/02/2025 15:08

How many of us will be lost in Ukraine before the end of the 21st century, according to UN forecast

The population of the Earth will soon reach its maximum. According to UN forecasts, the world's population will reach close to 10.3 billion people in 2084. WomanEL reveals how many of us will be lost in Ukraine by 2100.

The revision of world population forecasts for 2024, prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat, is expected to reach 2100 fate on Earth to live a little less than 10, 2 billion people. According to this organization, in Ukraine by 2100 the population will decrease to 15.3 million people. As of 1 September 2024, the population of Ukraine became 37 million 441 thousand people. Until the 1st of 2030 there will be an increase to 38 million 505 thousand.

How many of us will be lost in Ukraine before the end I'm 21 centuries behind the forecast UN. Dzherelo: pinterest.com

In 2050, the population in Ukraine is predicted to be 32 million 165 thousand. 2069 people have 25 million 142 thousand, 2081 people have 20 million 907 thousand, 2091 people have 17 million 762 thousand. And even in 2100 there may be about 15.3 million.

Before the average hardship of life, then by the end of the 21st century we will become 81.7 million. In this case, men, on average, can live up to 80 years, women can live up to 84 years.

Earlier we found out how much money humanity is wasting on nuclear weapons.

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