• 23/02/2025 12:34

Ukrainian roulette: who needs to check the summons from the TCC first?

The remaining day of updating the military’s military records of their regional data is released on 16 days. Ukrainian roulette is already in action – further data entered into the Oberig register, vikorystvovat in order to determine who to send the summons first. WomanEL reveals that they can be generated automatically by specifying the necessary criteria for a search.

For an additional registry, you can identify those who are unique in military duty and who are sent to the police to apprehend Nya on zatrimannya and Primusov delivery to the TCC.

Ukrainian roulette: who in the first place checks the summons from the TCC. Dzherelo: Facebook

The General Staff understands what they need at the same time – what professional beginners, what a century people and their mental profile, which is what they are. This is similar to targeted advertising. So, you work with those audiences, which you immediately need, without wasting your extra time, – The intercessor of the Minister of Defense and Digitalization, Katerina Chernogorenko, spoke out.

According to Chernogorenko’s words, “Oberig” contains information about the discovery of the vykonavchestvo provadzheniya schego zapolozheniya fines vіd TsK. In this case, if the person does not accept and does not sign the notifications from the TCC, then we will be obliged to deliver.

We previously learned why Antin Mukharsky is in no hurry to confirm his data from the TCC.

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