Russian Telegram channels are expanding the video, which depicts the assassination of the 60-year-old Ukrainian exnardep and the motto Irina Farion, reports WomanEL. This act was taken over by the National-Socialism/White Power group, which they call themselves “Ukrainian autonomous revolutionary racists,” reports Ukrayinska Pravda. Law enforcement agencies have already begun an investigation into this video material.
The video appeared on the evening of 24 June. Please enter a short fragment so as not to record the moment of typing. However, the video is not entirely clear and visible, since the camera is closed for part of the hour. At the beginning there is a scream and a shot, and at the end you can see the place under the cars. The Astra channel has updated the screenshot from the video and the photo from the mischief, noting their similarity.
Video surround, ODERINT channel DUM METUANT published a 4-length video with the text of the “manifesto”, which calls before the “race war” and promises to “punish everyone who sold the country after the Maidan.” In the text, the author calls Farion “a scoundrel and a racialist” and declares that she takes responsibility for her liquidation. The video contains a lesson on the “Ukrainian lesson from Farion”, after which the following recording is completed.
Rechnitsa MVS Mar’yana Reva stated that the video is carefully analyzed by the fakhivs from the crime final analysis. The results of the investigation will be made public after the investigation is completed.
In addition, as of late (15:01) it has become clear that the 18-year-old boy suspected of killing Farion was detained near the Dnieper.
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It seems that Irina Farion was shot dead near Lvov on the 19th, as she was radically stealing Ukrainian language.