You, melodiously, felt that no matter what pair it was, it would be nice to prefer one over the other. This stimulates growth as a feature, allows you to relieve stress and get back to routine. What else do you need to earn to earn hundreds of dollars? It appears that it is no less useful to practice self-indulgence.
ContentWhy is the practice of parallel self-ness so important in romantic couples? What needs to be done in order to make hundreds of hundreds: 3 for the sake of parallel play
So, you understand correctly. The point is that you and your partner spend an hour alone with each other (doing your rights), but at the same time you are in charge. WomanEL reveals in detail about this phenomenon from psychology.
What is a parallel self-ness (parallel gra)
In clinical cola, the term was coined by the sociologist Mildred Parten in 1929. The parallel game, as she described, is a strong social proof that children are tasked with playing one after another, but not one with one.
As a rule, parallel games begin at about two o'clock and reflect the process of an adult child from self-awareness to a cautious one, ready for the emergence of social reality. According to Parten, she also helps her develop social skills, promote self-esteem, and find new ways to express herself. All of this can be seen in adulthood if we take part in one of the versions of the parallel game.
You probably know that this is the case with your platonic friendship. Formerly, I often remember the sign of good friendship – the purpose of sharing an hour and being alone, without worrying about anything. The same can be said about the parallelism in our romantic couples, which is often an everyday element for couples who feel either intertwined or independent at the same time.
In healthy couples, The place is like a nice time spent at once, so it’s warm. Zhreshtoy, serve the skin of them as a song mark. First, it allows you to get closer to your partner, and your friend can save a feeling of moisture. But this is the kind of mutuality that is in the middle between these two extremes – the one that represents a weak connection without strong activity, but still reinforces the basis of closeness.
Parallel graph – this is the middle. According to psychotherapist Sari E. Brin, parallel games can bring both greater independence and closeness between partners, creating space for each of you to pursue your interests and, at the same time, value company one at a time.
Your partner is trustworthy what? There are only a few of the greatest proportions of those who don’t trust you.
Why is the practice of parallel graphics extremely important in romantic relationships? hundreds of hundred
The parallel game is when people share space, but do not deal with the other right, Dzherelo:
There is great comfort in knowing that you are free to do your own thing, unless your partner instructs you on what you need and want. It is not so much to ignore one alone, but rather to occupy the given place for singles with the possibility of periodic participation. In this way, there is a parallel strategy in which bets can be used for the creation of a processed medium that is vortex, and the formation of reliable grace, or in a way of cohabitation with a partner, which includes both healthy autonomy and possible It is possible to rely on others.
The fact that during an hour of parallel play in a hundred years of mutual interaction is necessary, it can also change the social pressure that you might feel when spending an hour in someone else's company. Parallel games are a way for you and your partner to build rapport while dealing with the stresses of everyday life, rather than risking increased distress that results from one type of undivided respect.
Not to mention that the need to worry about doing the same thing when you spend an hour at a time can be a stress factor in itself. Parallel games allow couples to opt for (often unnecessary) compromise, providing room to meet the needs of both partners at the same time, even Brin. This is important because most crazy partners may have different needs. As a starting point, it is important to set the same level of energy.
At first glance this may seem paradoxical. If the sensitivity is evident in the developed power interests and satisfied power sensory needs, one can also perceive the formation of a willingness to respect and focus on the needs of the partner when the time comes. Thus, parallel games are not just a way to spend an hour with a partner without stress. Stinks can also help you refill your cup of hair, so that you can better refill your partner’s cup.
What you need to do to save money centenaries: 3 for the sake of a parallel line
- Find out with your partner the types of activities for parallel games. To get the most out of parallel games in your day, you and your partner will be wise to figure out what types of activities might be appropriate for this shoulder-to-shoulder time (and what not). Remember: the goal is to use this time to develop a hobby or interest that interests you (and not something that suits you and your partner and whatever you want to do at the same time).
< li>The parallel game transmits the song of independence. However, your accessibility will still be deprived of your head and brain power. It is important that both you and your partner know that if one of you wants to share something funny or interesting, then the other will be present enough to be respectful, don’t forget to briefly write.
> Set balance. Don't forget to equally value the time you spend playing parallel games on your feet, the time you spend together, with friends, and in any other way that brings you joy as a couple. It is important for anyone to remember that parallel games do not have to become routine for you. Work with humor and fun to yourself and one of one for those that you reported to us to establish contact.
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