• 12/03/2025 05:16

How can you reduce stress in your hair? Honest testimony from trichologists

It’s practically impossible to re-batch once you’ve settled down. Some people wonder what happened right away. Before us, we respect this sign of the old – with age, at all times. This is not the only factor that plays a role in why our hair begins to color. How can you reduce stress in your hair? It matters that it is so.

ContentWhat can stress do to your hair?

We have a sense: we already know that excessive stress can disrupt the functioning of all organs – from the intestines to the reproductive system and the skin. Isn't that the same story? Axis s’yasuvav WomanEL.

How can you relieve stress from your life?

If episodic stress does not cause the hair to turn black, then severe, chronic stress can immediately affect the hair. “Our body is programmed to produce different hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine, when we feel threatened or feel pressure,” explains trichologist Eva Proudman. This is part of the natural, instinctive “fight or flight” reaction. Ale, as it lasts for a long time, too much cortisol can cause significant harm to our body, stiffness and hair.”

“When we are in survival mode, the brain indicates priorities in blood supply and living tissues and tissues, which are important in life. Therefore, non-cellular cells – such as melanocytes, which indicate the color of hair – become a low priority. Over time, the melanocytes begin to malfunction, and the hair color becomes dark.”

Before menopause, many women experience hair loss. Find out what to expect and what to do with it.

Why is my hair gray?

Melanin and your genetic code are the main factors that determine what color hair you will have. There are two different types of melanin that are present in hair follicles.

If eumelanin is present in them, it will lead to the appearance of black and brown hair. A great amount of eumelanin leads to a black hair color, a moderate amount of eumelanin leads to brown hair, and a very small amount of eumelanin leads to light hair. If there is no eumelanin, pheomelanin is more important, which leads to the appearance of ore hair.

Eumelanin and pheomelanin are located in hair follicles in cells called melanocytes, which produce melanin. With age, the number of melanocytes changes, and melanin vibrates less. A smaller number of melanocytes means a lack of pigment in the hair, resulting in a silver-gray color. In reality, the hair is not whiter, but this is an optical illusion that occurs when the light curls out of the hair, creating a silvery tint.

Hair studies show that after 30 years, the amount of produced melanin changes by 10-20 hundredths per skin age. Up to 50 years, half of the men and women will have at least 50 hundreds of gray hairs.

What officials pour into those who have lost their hair gray?

Geni may have a significant influx for the hour of the hair that appeared, Dzherelo: freepik.com

Deyakі from the main officials, what to infuse on those When and what you “dwell” on, include:

  • Genetics. Genetics plays an important role in who we see and continue to lose hair. If you noticed a hair early in life, then, most likely, your fathers, grandparents and grandparents also showed up early.
  • I am now healthy. Various autoimmune diseases, such as vitiligo, are associated with early purple hair growth. Research shows that this is due to the fact that melanocytes suffer more from oxidative stress. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause premature hair loss.
  • Chicken status. It has long been known that smoking a cigarette can speed up the process of production, and yet it is becoming more and more common to talk about the fact that the use of electronic cigarettes – so-called vapes – is not at all safer.
  • De vie live. Congested air can also damage your hair color, just like cigarette smoke. If you live in a busy area, wash your hair regularly – maybe once every two days – to help get rid of stubborn particles that can penetrate the hair and damage the cells of melanocytes on the scalp.
  • Infusion of sun. Excessive exposure to sunlight is not only bad for the skin – it can also change the color of your hair. Excessive ultraviolet radiation causes the same oxidative stress, which is chicken, the skin of the scalp, which vibrates melanin, and the accelerated process of maturation.
  • Thermal influx. Like the sun, too much heat can cause the knots on your head to collapse. In the upper part of this range, it is enough to “specta” not only the hair, but also the lower cuticles of the skin and hair follicles that see melanin, and increase the supply of pigment to the skin hair.

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