• 17/03/2025 13:21

Britney Spears launches a fashionable jewelry line

42-year-old pop icon Britney Spears is gaining respect again, this time not only with music or memoirs, but with the launch of a fashionable jewelry collection, reports WomanEL. Spivachka shared the news with her followers on Instagram, publishing the first beauty and name of the brand – “B Tiny.”

My first line of jewelry items is coming soon! The bottoms are extremely varied and unique. I'm so boastful. Girls, you deserve it,

wrote Spears.

There are still not enough details about the collection: no Neither the launch date nor the pricing policy have been announced. Проте перші знімки прикрас Брітні продемонструвала у соцмережі.

Логотип «B Tiny», виконаний у витонченому стилі, відображає ідею Брітні про «ніжність» і творчість, з якими вона підходить до створення прикрас. Nezabar plans to reveal more details and, most likely, introduce new species from the collection.

Possibly, jewelry viruses Britney Spears will become a part of special moments for her lovers – even the skin embellishment carries with it a part of the artist’s intensity and soulfulness.

Guess what, before Britney Spears became a victim of a mysterious robbery.

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