• 14/03/2025 22:08

How does white meat differ from dark meat: is one better than the other?

Chicken is one of the most universal (and most delicious!) types of meat. It is also a wonderful source of protein that can be used as a staple in many recipes and cuisines. However, if you buy scraps or produce a whole bird, you may be concerned about the difference between dark and brown meat or one of them.

ContentWhat parts should be placed before the white meat, and what kind – until dark? What is used to cut the meat from dark: color becomes more severe dark meat: the taste of dark meat: texture Which is browner than white meat, lower darker? Which is browner than dark meat, lower white?

WomanEL share the thoughts of nutritionists on how to know what matters and how to get the best meat for your homeland.

Which parts go to the white meat, and which parts – until dark?

Both in turkey and in chicken, “more meat comes from the breast and chicken,” says nutritionist Laurie Wright. “White meat is made up of a lot of white meat fibers, like poultry vikoryst for sweet eggs,” adds nutritionist Meddi Pasquariello.

Darkness It’s important to put it down to your legs, which includes your legs and legs, says Pasquariello.  “It contains up to 50 hundreds of red fibers, which are used for ruins, for example, standing,” adds Vaughn.

What does it mean? m’dark color: color

According to experts from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the difference in color between white and dark meat is due to myoglobin – a common protein, which suggests I'll eat a purple-red color. It’s better to mix a little myoglobin, so the color is light. Dark meat, however, tends to absorb more myoglobin, as a result of which it develops a brownish-rust tinge.

Are you sick and want to speed up your dressing? Expect light and brown foods during this period.

What tastes like dark meat: relish

White meat has a soft, ice-catchable taste. However, “the dark meat has a rich, intense flavor,” says Wright. Such an extra-juicy taste of high-quality food instead of fat (report about the price is lower).

Why whiter meat tastes better than dark meat: texture

“White meat produces more flavor and spring,” explains Wright. “It also has a dry texture, so it’s better to avoid over-drying and re-lubricating,” says Pasquariello. Dark meat has a tender and juicy texture, which, again, is due to its great fat content.

Which is browner, whiter, darker?

From the point of view of food, the differences between white and dark flesh are noticeably small, How to look at a balanced diet as a whole. The main ingredients are reduced to fat, calories and microelements, Dzherelo: freepik.com

Let's go ahead: what is more “healthy” meat in the dark, stored according to your needs. According to Pasquariello, this includes your goals, health goals, and lifestyle choices that fit into your healthy diet.

“Better meat is often considered more healthy in singing contexts. “It’s less calories, less dark, and less fat,” explains Wright. This may be useful if you need it or want to control your cholesterol levels or reduce the accumulation of fats, he adds. White meat is also a rich source of sweet protein, “making it ideal for those who prefer to eat low in fat and high in protein,” says Wright.

What do you need instead of microelements? This should lie in sight of a bird. Alright, let's take a look at the trigger and the butt. In 100 grams (about ¾ cup of chopped shanks) of stewed chicken breast without skin and brushes – white meat – you will find 241 milligrams of phosphorus, 343 milligrams of potassium and less or 1 milligram of saliva and zinc. The same amount of stewed chicken steak with the skin – like dark meat – contains 130 milligrams of phosphorus, 161 milligrams of potassium, 1 milligram of saliva and less than 1 mil Game of zinc.

I want more revenge more phosphorus and potassium, in the context of your healthy diet, this value is insignificant. In this way, from the point of view, instead of microelements, the first place sits not very lightly.

What is the darker meat, the darker the whiter?

What a waste of food, then the great advantages of the dark meat ;yasa before there is no whiteness. “Perhaps you take a little more vitamin B12 from dark meat. But the difference is very insignificant,” says Pasquariello. If you are deficient in vitamin B12, you may want to focus on other foods, such as pancakes, shellfish, salmon or tuna. Dark meat also has a little more salt, zinc and vitamin B6, but again, the difference is insignificant.

As for savory meats, there are also advantages to choosing dark meat. #8217;yasa. “Additional juiciness and tenderness can make it acceptable to someone, which can promote secretive feelings and satisfaction,” says Wright.

Many people value fat with evil. Ale vin may be included in our diet. Just choose this food dzherela.

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