• 13/03/2025 01:49

How to beat a cold? 6 glads to steal your money

As you firmly decided not to get sick during the cold and flu season, there are a few simple steps to avoid the cold and get rid of infection. This includes not only the supply of supplementary vitamins, but also the consumption of plenty of fruits and vegetables. Here are some other things you can do to give yourself the best chance of feeling healthy this winter.

Content< /span>Yak beat colds: eat a lot of freshly fermented vegetables and fruits how to boost your immunity: prepare with chasnik and tsibule how to beat colds: get enough vitamin D. zmіtsnit Immunity: play sports How to beat colds: get a good drink How to boost your immunity: wash your hands (and clean your phone!)

WomanEL will share the simplest and most effective ways to protect the immune system and strengthen it in the face of cold weather.

How to avoid colds: eat richly bright pickled vegetables and fruits

Vegetables, such as licorice, potatoes, zucchini and beet, are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for us in order for the mucous membrane of the nose and legs to be filled with milk for protection. from infection. Also, before your diet, include orange and black fruits, such as oranges, mangoes, apricots and nuts.

Fruits and vegetables are also often good sources of vitamin C, which can support the immune system. Wanting vitamin C has long been respected by the brownish escape from the cold, and many people insist on what they can do to help in those times when you have already succumbed to it, to testify that Large doses of vitamin C are most relevant for people who undergo short-term intense physical exercise, for example, for athletes who exercise stress or those who live in very cold climates.

Vitamin C can be removed from sheets dark green vegetables such as chard and spinach, peppers, broccoli, peas, kiwi and citrus fruits.

How to boost your immunity: prepare for chasnik and tsibula

These amazing vegetable mixtures contain strong oils that have antimicrobial action, so they can help protect against bacterial and viral infections. The stench also promotes a healthy intestine, and contains prebiotics to suppress the growth of bacteria.

Testing to confirm the effectiveness of the chasnik in the prevention of colds was still low, so there is little clinical evidence. If the fragments and the clock, and the cybul are hostile to the forces of power, you should turn them on before your diet.

If you hate the smell of the chasnik from your mouth or the strong smell, increase your respect for the fermentation of the black chasnik. This is where the balsamic flavor is infused, and as it hardens, doubles the active time of the hour, and without any unpleasant aftertaste!

How to avoid colds: get enough Amount of vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important supplement for overall health. And research has shown that people with low levels of this important vitamin are at greater risk of infection. During the winter month, due to the lack of sunshine, we have to remove vitamin D from our skin. However, if you choose just a few things, you may face unforgivable tasks. Try to include fatty fish in your diet, such as salmon and mackerel, eggs and mushrooms. Regular consumption of these products during the winter period is a great way to increase the level of vitamin D.

However, since it is difficult to get enough vitamins, experts should treat everything (including pregnant women and women with breasts) during the autumn-winter period, take a generous supplement to prevent 10 micrograms of vitamin D.

Are you sick yet? Find out how to understand that the cold has already subsided and you will be happy.

How to improve your immunity: play sports

Get out into the light during the day more often and be physically active. Moderate physical exercise can help support the immune system, which stimulates the production of white blood cells – cells, which protect us from illness. However, be aware that supernatural physical exercises can weaken the immune system, so be careful.

How to avoid colds: neat hang out

There is a close connection between the reaction of our immune system systems for good sleep, Dzherelo: freepik.com

Research has shown that sleep and our circadian rhythm (the natural cycle of sleep and wakefulness) have a strong regulatory effect on the immune system. We still have a lot to see in this kingdom, but we are aware that people who work for each other may be at risk of contracting viral infections.

Regardless of your daily routine, Give yourself the best chance of a good night's sleep by choosing a quiet, dark bedroom and taking an hour to relax before bed.

How to boost your immunity: wash your hands (and clean your phone!)

When cold and flu season arrives, you should pay extra attention to your hygiene. If you really want to avoid colds, be pedantic – wipe all dirty keyboards and phones with antiseptic wipes before using them. Wash your hands often and clean them in public – especially your mouth and nose.

Wonder, why do you get colds so often? Here we overreacted to the reasons why we are interested in you.

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