• 18/03/2025 05:00

Time is money: Ukrainian translation of the Russian expression

The Russian phrase “Time is money” can be heard in many contexts, from business to everyday conversations. However, when we translate it into Ukrainian, it is worth paying attention not only to the literal translation, but also to how this expression is perceived in Ukrainian culture, writes WomanEL.

ContentLiteral translationCultural adaptationsIdioms and phraseologisms that convey a similar meaning

Literal translation

From the point of view of direct translation, the phrase “Time is money” can be translated as “Time is money.” This option is often found in everyday life and at work, when it comes to the importance of saving time and its impact on financial results.

The Russian phrase “Time is money” can be heard in many contexts. Source: pinterest.com

Cultural adaptations

“Time is money” is an expression that emphasizes that every moment of time has its own value and should not be wasted. In the context of business or personal development, this expression emphasizes the need to act immediately.

“Time is worth its weight in gold” is a more poetic and imaginative version. He makes it sound like every second of time is worth its weight in gold. It can be used when you want to emphasize the special importance of time in a specific context.

Idioms and idioms conveying a similar meaning

“He who is not in time is late” – it would seem a simple phrase, but it perfectly conveys the importance of timely actions. This expression is usually used in a context where time directly affects the result, and every delay means a loss of opportunity.

“Don’t waste time, it will not return” – this option emphasizes the irreparability of losing time, because every moment is important and cannot be restored.

“Who wants is looking for time, and who doesn’t want is looking for an excuse” – an expression that clearly shows that a person controls his own time. Accordingly, if someone considers time important, he will always find an opportunity for action, and vice versa.

The translation of the expression “Time is money” can be not only direct, but also more culturally adapted for the Ukrainian language. The choice of option depends on the context and whether we want to focus on time constraints or on saving time as an important resource for achieving results.

Learn how to adapt the Russian expression “Долг платежом красен” for the Ukrainian context.

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