• 05/02/2025 13:55

Each fart burns 67 calories: is this true?

If you look into some corners of the internet, you can be sure that the answer to this question is yes. There has been a long-standing rumor (at least since 2012) that each fart burns 67 calories. For comparison, you burn the same amount of calories by taking a 15-minute walk or doing burpees for six minutes! Sounds a little suspicious… Right?

ContentWhy do farts even happen? Each fart burns 67 calories: myth or truth? How farting helps to deal with bloating

WomanEL decided to study this issue and share all the scientifically proven information about the potential calorie burning during flatulence.

Why do farts even happen?

Flatulence (also known as farting) occurs when gases in the digestive tract are expelled through the anus. Belching, on the other hand, occurs when gases are expelled through the mouth.

Gas can happen in one of two ways, says Matthew R. Pittman, MD, a gastroenterologist. “Swallowing air while drinking soda, chewing gum, or using a straw can cause excess air to build up in your digestive tract,” he explains. “But the most common cause of excess gas is eating something you can’t digest or absorb.”

On average, 0.5 to 1.5 liters of gas accumulates in the digestive tract per day, says Dr. Spencer Nadolsky. People can fart up to 20 times a day – this is considered the ‘normal’ range of farts per day,” he adds.

Every fart burns 67 calories: myth or truth?

Farting won't help you lose weight, Source: freepik.com

So, hypothetically, if each fart burns 67 calories, then in one day of passing gas you burn up to 1,340 calories, which means in two to three days you will lose about 450 g of weight just by farting. Now you may be thinking that this is a myth, and you would be right! According to Dr. Nadolsky, farting does not burn calories.

Dr. Pittman adds: “No, farting is not a practical means of losing weight. And no, it should not be used in place of regular exercise.”

“Fat is usually a very passive function of the body,” says Dr. Nadolsky. When you fart, your muscles relax, and the pressure of the gas in your intestines does all the work, explains Dr. Pittman. Calories are burned through muscle activity, not inactivity.

Since muscles aren't doing any work to get rid of gas, pushing yourself to the limit while farting is the only way to burn calories. But if you push yourself hard enough to burn a few calories, it's likely to lead to… fecal incontinence If you're straining enough to force yourself to fart, you need to see a doctor, says Dr. Nadolski.

And, in case you're wondering, the sound it makes doesn't affect how many calories you burn either. “Quiet or loud, a fart is made of the same substance: nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, oxygen and water,” says Dr. Nadolski. Loudness is determined by the volume of gas passing through and the speed of the eruption, and neither of these factors will result in a higher calorie burn, Dr. Pittman adds.

I wonder where that smell is coming from? It is caused by bacteria in the large intestine, which emit a small amount of sulfur-containing gases.

“Even if you experienced the most violent fart imaginable, it would be quite difficult to burn calories during it,” continues Dr. Pittman. If you were doing a HIIT class or yoga and accidentally let out a fart, you would burn calories, but it would be a result of exercise, not flatulence, he adds.

How Farting Helps You Deal With Bloating

You may not be able to lose weight with farting. But there's good news: Farting can help you feel better (and possibly look less bloated) if you've been experiencing severe bloating.

Dr. Pittman explains that when too much gas is trapped in your digestive tract, it can cause uncomfortable bloating, which can make your stomach feel bigger. “If you're bloated and need to fart, do it,” he says. “It may not burn calories, but it will definitely make you feel better.”

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