• 13/03/2025 16:59

Advantages of having a child at a later age

We often hear about the disadvantages of getting pregnant later in life. This makes sense, as the realization that our biological clock is ticking can be very frightening. And it's true that the number of eggs in the ovaries decreases with age. Pregnancy after 35 is also associated with an increased risk of certain complications, such as hypertension or diabetes, for you, and chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, for your baby. However, there are also advantages to having a baby later in life.

ContentBenefits of having a baby later: brain healthWhy you should become a mother after 35: you will be happier and less stressedBenefits of having a baby later: low risk of injuries to the babyWhy you should become a mother after 35: you are more emotionally readyBenefits of having a baby later: global progressWhy you should become a mother after 35: financial securityBenefits of having a baby later: longevity

WomanEL will list some of them for you. Perhaps they will change your attitude towards parenthood after 35.

Advantages of having a child at a later age: brain health

Research shows that having children later in life can make you mentally sharper as you age. A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society examined 830 middle-aged women to determine whether there was a link between having a child at a later age and brain power.

Researchers found that those who had their last child after age 35 had clearer cognition and verbal memory during menopause. They also found that people who had their first child after age 24 were better at problem solving than their peers who had children at an earlier age.

Why you should become a mother after 35: you will be happier and less stressed

Research shows that older parents tend to experience less stress and more satisfaction and joy after having children than their younger peers. According to the authors of a 2017 review, “Existing research suggests that older mothers experience increased happiness during and after childbirth, whereas this effect is absent or short-lived in younger mothers.”

Benefits of having a baby later in life: lower risk of child injury

Parents of all ages want to protect their children as best they can. However, several studies suggest that the risk of a child suffering an unintentional injury that requires medical attention decreases as the mother ages. This may be because older parents are more aware of the dangers and/or better prepared to prevent them.

In particular, one study published in the British Medical Journal in 2012 found that at age 3, the risk of a child sustaining unintentional injury decreased from 36.6% in mothers aged 20 to 28.6% in mothers aged 40. Another, more recent study conducted in Japan, which analyzed the risks of unintentional injury and hospitalization at 18 and 66 months depending on the age of the mother, came to the same conclusion.

“While the exact reasons for fewer injuries are unknown, it is clear that one of the benefits of birth to a mature mother is a reduced likelihood of unintentional injury.” This is what Patricia Salber, MD, and editor-in-chief of The Doctor Weighs In magazine, says.

Why you should become a mother after 35: You are emotionally more ready for this

With age comes a definite sense of maturity. Just think how much you've changed since you were a teenager! Studies show that maturity plays a role in better parenting, too.

In a study published in 2017 in the European Journal of Development, Dutch researchers studied the psychosocial development of two groups of children aged 7, 11 and 15. One group was born to mothers over 31. The other group was born to mothers under 31. When they analyzed their psychosocial development, the researchers were surprised to find that older mothers were less likely to scold or physically punish their children.

“In general, children of older mothers were better behaved, well-socialized and emotionally healthy in adolescence,” says Dr. Salber. “In other words, the more relaxed parenting of older mothers probably benefited these children.”

Benefits of having children later: worldwide progress

The longer you wait to have children, the your child is more likely to grow up understanding a higher level of technological development.

“Children of mature parents benefit from the educational, technological and social advances that have been made during the years of delayed childbearing,” says gynecologist Camilla Phillips. “A Swedish study notes that, given these achievements, children of mature parents tend to be healthier and more educated.”

Why you should become a mother after 35: financial security

At 35, you will most likely be better off financially. Therefore, you will be able to raise a child in good conditions, Source: freepik.com

Countless studies support the theory that health is often determined by how much money you have in the bank. You’re more likely to graduate and spend time developing your professional career. So it makes sense that you’re more likely to earn a higher salary than younger parents who had children before they started their careers.

“Studies show that children of older mothers stay in school longer, do better on standardized tests, and are more likely to go to college than their peers born to younger mothers,” says Dr. Salber. “The effect of improved outcomes associated with socioeconomic status likely extends to the health of offspring throughout their lives.”

Benefits of having children later: Longevity

Having children later may help you live longer. “Some people think that having children later in life means you won’t have the energy to keep up with younger children. Or, worse, you won’t be there for them during important life events like getting married or having your own children,” says Dr. Salber. “But research shows that’s far from the truth.”

A 2015 study published in the journal Menopause found that women who had children after age 33 were twice as likely to live to age 95 compared to women who had their last child before age 30. That’s a sobering thought!

Not convinced? Find out if you can have a healthy baby if you’re already 35.

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