• 12/03/2025 06:13

Which nuts are the most beneficial for human health?

Many people love to snack on nuts. And we understand them. After all, they are not only delicious, but also rich in proteins, fats and fiber. This is reported by WomanEL with reference to NewsOboz. But not all nuts have the same benefits, so it is always useful to choose nuts according to your needs and goals. So, which nuts are the most beneficial for human health?

ContentWhich nuts are the healthiest for humans: walnutsThe best nuts for your health: almondsWhich nuts are the healthiest for humans: macadamiaThe best nuts for your health: pistachiosWhich nuts are the healthiest for humans: Brazil nuts

We decided to list a few options so you have a lot to choose from. You can add them to oatmeal and other dishes, or just eat them throughout the day.

Which nuts are the most beneficial for human health: walnuts

They're often mentioned in conversations about brain-healthy foods, and for good reason. In addition to being rich in nutrients like vitamin C, E, and folate, walnuts also contain omega-3s and polyphenols, which help fight brain inflammation and boost performance.

“Walnuts are also great for supporting a healthy immune system and reducing the risk of heart disease,” explains nutritionist Lola Biggs. “Try to eat five pieces a day.”

The best nuts for your health: almonds

If you love almonds, we have good news. According to nutritionist Maz Peckham, they are “one of the healthiest nuts.” Why? Their high vitamin E content certainly helps. “Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that is beneficial for healthy aging and heart health,” says Peckham. “They are also a source of plant-based protein and fiber—about 3 grams of fiber per ounce, so they are great for supporting a healthy digestive system and helping you feel fuller for longer.”

The type of fat in almonds—mostly monounsaturated fats—is also good news. This type of fat helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease.

Almonds are also a good source of magnesium, a mineral needed for muscle and nerve function and blood pressure regulation, which can also help with sleep. 

Which nuts are the most beneficial for human health: macadamia

Studies have shown that macadamia nuts help protect the brain, reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent hunger, Source: pexels.com

Macadamia nuts are high in fat, which accounts for their creamy, buttery taste, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They contain monounsaturated fats. That is, healthy fats that are also found in olive oil and can protect the heart by lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels.

According to various studies, consuming 8-42 g of macadamia nuts daily can reduce total and bad LDL cholesterol levels by 10%.

The Best Nuts for Your Health: Pistachios

In addition to the fact that pistachios They are delicious and have a number of health benefits, including protein, fiber, and potassium, an electrolyte that supports muscle and heart health.

But that’s not what makes pistachios special. “One of the benefits of pistachios is that they are high in lutein, a nutrient that’s good for eye health,” explains pharmacist Sonya Khan. Lutein, in particular, helps protect your eyes from blue light and age-related macular degeneration; a new study shows that consuming lutein daily can make a real difference.”

Which nuts are the most beneficial for human health: Brazil nuts

In addition to Brazil nuts are rich in vitamin E and magnesium, and they also have a unique benefit – selenium. A mineral found in soil, selenium has antioxidant properties that help protect our cells from damage and has been shown to support key areas of the body, such as the thyroid and brain.

Although they are incredibly tasty, it is important not to overdo it with Brazil nuts. Although selenium is very important, a person needs very little of it compared to other minerals, and prolonged consumption of too many Brazil nuts can lead to selenium toxicosis. This is why it is recommended to eat only one or two Brazil nuts per day.

Do you know what cardamom is? It is often added to baked goods and dishes. And this has its benefits.

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