• 09/03/2025 18:16

Red flags on a date that you can't ignore

If you're looking for a life partner, it's important to be aware of the red flags in dating. Some patterns of behavior may seem innocent in nature, but they're actually serious red flags, especially when used by master manipulators. If you feel like everything is too good to be true, that you're being used, or that the person you're talking to wants something from you, you may be dealing with a dark triad personality. These are people with evil traits like narcissism (self-admiration), Machiavellianism (strategic exploitation and deception), and psychopathy (callousness and cynicism).

ContentRed flags on a date: love bombingHow guys shouldn't behave on a date: frequent conversations about money, success, or followersRed flags on a date: triangulationHow guys shouldn't behave on a date: demanding something from youRed flags on a date: he never asks about you

Of course, there is always a fine line between those who are simply self-absorbed or inattentive, and those who purposefully exploit others for their own gain. WomanEL wants to protect you from mistakes and will list the warning signs that a guy is definitely not right for you.

Red flags on a date: love bombing

Sure, it feels good to be the center of someone's world, to shower them with a lot of attention, time, and energy, or to shower them with gifts. But if it happens too early in the relationship, when you're just getting to know each other, it can be a serious red flag.

Accelerating a relationship through love bombing is a masterful manipulation tactic. Intense displays of affection, lots of kind words, excessive admiration, and/or grand gestures are used to lure you into an early stage of commitment.

To avoid becoming a victim of love bombing, always pay close attention to actions, not just words. Don't rush things and trust your intuition, because it often tells you that something is wrong.

How guys shouldn't behave on a date: frequent conversations about money, success, or followers

If someone flaunts their money, talks a lot about it, or asks you about yours, it could be a sign that they have an unhealthy relationship with money. They could even be an opportunist who wants you to bail them out or provide for them without contributing equally to the relationship.

This is also closely related to Peter Pan syndrome, where an adult is socially immature and doesn't want to grow up. Such people are always looking for someone to provide for them, but they don't take responsibility for themselves and their lives. It is better to run away from those who use you as soon as possible.

Red flags on a date: triangulation

Manipulators indirectly (and behind your back) mention other people to evoke an emotional response in you: anger, jealousy, doubt, etc. This feels like pitting people against each other, without them even realizing it. They might say, “My ex would do this for me, so why wouldn’t you?” or, “My sister wanted me to do this and I said no, but I’ll do it for you.”

This can make you doubt yourself. Healthy people don’t talk about other people or put them in incomprehensible competitions with each other. This extremely toxic behavior can destroy your self-confidence without you even realizing it’s happening. And that’s exactly what abusers want—to keep you trapped in your own insecurities so you don’t question them.

To avoid falling into the trap of triangulation, set boundaries, such as, “This other person has nothing to do with this situation. This is just you and me, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t bring others into our dynamic.”

How guys shouldn't behave on a date: they demand something from you

No guy has the right to impose requirements and conditions on you, Source: freepik.com

If someone gives you a lot of time, money, energy, or gifts, but at the same time makes a demand or request – for example, that you do something for them in return – this means that they are not interested in you as a person, but in what you can do and provide for them.

Such people are most likely to view others as objects that they can use and take, with no intention of giving back. Run away from such consumers.

Red flags on a date: he never asks about you

You thought What if a guy only talks about himself? He doesn't ask you questions about you, isn't interested in who you are or what you like? This is a red flag. It means he's not interested in getting to know you better. It usually means he's pursuing some goals or trying to manipulate you.

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