Maternity leave is a special stage in a woman's life. It's not just a change in work schedule, but a real reboot, filled with anticipation of a miracle, new sensations and excitement, writes WomanEL. Colleagues, friends and loved ones who are going to say goodbye to a mother-to-be often wonder: what to say to a future mother to support her, encourage her and give her good memories?
Content “May this period be full of happiness” “You will be a wonderful mother” “We are always there and waiting for you” “Don't forget about yourself” “This is just the beginning of a new, beautiful path” Heartfelt words for a future mother. Source:
“May this period be filled with happiness”
Pregnancy and motherhood are not only a challenge, but also a time of incredible emotions. Therefore, instead of banal wishes, it is better to emphasize that this period can become a real fairy tale. For example, say:
“One of the most important journeys in life awaits you ahead. May it be easy, full of joy, warmth, and small miracles. Enjoy every day, because they are unique!”
Such words will help the expectant mother stay positive and believe that this stage is worth living through with a smile.
“You will be a wonderful mother”
Often, women, even if they are outwardly confident, are internally worried: will they cope with the role of a mother, will they be able to give their child the best? Therefore, words of support about her future motherhood will be invaluable.
“You are a person who knows how to create comfort, give warmth and understanding. This is what children need most. You will definitely succeed, and your child will be happy with such a wonderful mother!”
Such sincere words will help dispel doubts and give the expectant mother confidence in her abilities.
What to say at a farewell party on maternity leave. Source:
“We are always there and waiting for you”
Maternity leave can seem like a long break, and many women worry that they may lose touch with colleagues or friends during this time. So it's important to emphasize that she will always be welcome at your company.
“We will miss you, because you are an indispensable part of our team. But we are sure that an even more exciting stage awaits you ahead. We are waiting for you with new stories, impressions and, perhaps, with a little guest!”
This will create a feeling of support in the woman, and also emphasize that she is not falling out of the social circle.
“Don't forget about yourself”
During motherhood, women often get so wrapped up in caring for their baby that they forget about their own needs. So reminding the expectant mother about the importance of self-care is also a good idea.
“Yes, you will soon become a mother, and that's great. But remember that you are also a beautiful woman, an interesting person, a person with your own dreams and desires. So find time for yourself, because a happy mother is the best thing that can happen to a baby!”
Such words will show that you care not only about her new status, but also about her personal comfort and harmony.
Best wishes and support. Source:
“This is just the beginning of a new, beautiful path”
Having a child is life-changing, but these changes aren't the end of a career, a hobby, or a relationship. On the contrary, they're the beginning of a new chapter that can be even more inspiring.
“You are going on maternity leave, but this is not a pause, but a new level of life. It will be filled with new discoveries, love, and happiness. Enjoy every moment, because these days are the most precious!”
Such words will help the expectant mother not to fear changes, but to accept them with joy and gratitude.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to speak sincerely and with love. After all, no prepared phrases can compare to warm words spoken from the heart.
Previously, we told you how to beautifully congratulate your loved one on Angel Day: best personalized wishes.