• 13/03/2025 16:04

Car First Aid Kit 2025: Everything You Need to Have in Case of an Emergency

Car First Aid Kit 2025: Everything You Need to Have in Case of an Emergency

Photo: Car first aid kit 2025 (Getty Images) Author: Konstantin Shirokun

It's a good thing that most drivers have never used this mandatory safety component. But that doesn't mean that a first aid kit on board a car can be unimportant. Automotive journalists found out what first aid equipment should be on board a car this year.

Read about what should be in a car first aid kit according to the 2025 legislation in the RBC-Ukraine article.

Anything can happen on the road, so a whole list of legislative acts contains a requirement to have a first aid kit in the car. Naturally, its contents are also regulated. It is significant that according to modern requirements, all drugs and aids only concern assistance in cases of problems typical of road accidents, and do not concern general, non-traumatic health problems.

What to put in a first aid kit

First of all, it is worth knowing that in most cases the driver does not need to put anything in the first aid kit. If a specialized kit is purchased at a pharmacy or other proper place, everything necessary will be inside. However, the first aid kit must be appropriately marked.

According to the DSTU 3961-2000 standard “Car Medical First Aid Kit”, Ukraine provides for two types of first aid kits for motor vehicles. Which are respectively designated as type No. 1 and type No. 2. The difference is that each is intended for vehicles with a different possible number of people on board. Type No. 1 is intended for vehicles with a capacity of up to 9 people, type No. 2 – for more capacious passenger transport.

Both types of first aid kits have two so-called mandatory sets of different levels. One of them is emergency – to stop bleeding, the second is the so-called operational, for use in other injuries. Without touching on commercial transportation, here we will talk only about the first aid kit type #1 – intended for passenger cars.

Car First Aid Kit 2025: Everything You Need to Have in Case of an Emergency

Car First Aid Kit #1 – Must Have Set #1

  • Tourniquet to stop bleeding – 1 pc.
  • Elastic bandage (size 5 m x 10 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Sterile gauze bandage (size 5 m x 10 cm) – 2 pcs.
  • Sterile gauze bandage (size 7 m x 14 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Non-sterile gauze bandage (size 5 m x 5 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Non-sterile gauze bandage (size 7 m x 14 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Chlorhexidine wipes (or substitutes) (size 6 cm x 10 cm) – 2 pcs.
  • Gel-based strips with antimicrobial action polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (or substitutes) (size 10 cm x 50 cm) – 2 pcs.
  • Hemostatic wipes with furagin (or substitutes) (size 6 cm x 10 cm) – 2 pcs.
  • Sterile wipes (size 6 cm x 10 cm) – 6 pcs.
  • Sterile dressing pack – 1 pc.
  • Paramedical scissors – 1 pc.
  • Medical dressing scarf made of any fabric (size 50 cm x 50 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Gel dressing for burns – 1 pc.

Car First Aid Kit #1 – Must Have #2

  • Film (valve) for artificial ventilation of the lungs – 1 pc.
  • Medical gloves No. 8 made of polyethylene, set – 1 pc.
  • Thermal blanket (size 160 cm x 210 cm) – 1 pc.
  • Anatomical tweezers – 1 pc.
  • Safety pins (so-called English pins) – 2 pcs.

If there is no first aid kit in the car

First of all, let us say that the absence of a first aid kit in a car is not only a violation of the Road Traffic Regulations, but first of all a sign of low civic consciousness of the driver. After all, help may be needed not only by him, but also by compatriots who are in trouble nearby. And as for punishment from the state – there is no fine for the absence of a first aid kit in a car.

The Traffic Regulations of Ukraine in paragraph 31.4.7 state that it is forbidden to operate a car without a first aid kit. The punishment for this is provided for by Article 125 of the Code of Administrative Offenses – only in the form of a warning, but not a fine. Therefore, if someone is overly zealous and tries to fine you for troubles with the first aid kit, remind them of the Code of Administrative Offenses and ask them to name the article under which they plan to impose a fine. Most often, inspectors in such cases refer to Article 121 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (fine 340 – 425 UAH). But this article punishes for driving a faulty vehicle – according to paragraph 31.4.7 of the Traffic Regulations. It is clear that you cannot connect a first aid kit with the technical condition of the car.

Car First Aid Kit 2025: Everything You Need to Have in Case of an Emergency

In brief

If you are a conscientious citizen and a responsible driver, it would be right not only to stock your first aid kit with everything you need, but also to learn a few things. As you can see, the list of necessary components includes several items that require a specific algorithm of use – bandages, a lung ventilation valve, and the like. And one day it may happen that these tools for saving someone's life will end up in your hands. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to use these items – at least by watching one or another video course.

In preparing this article, the Traffic Regulations of Ukraine, the Code of Administrative Offences, the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 622 of 11.06.2013 and DSTU 3961-2000 were used .

Let us recall that RBC-Ukraine recently reported why pedestrians are not always right.


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