• 17/03/2025 02:03

Jumper Cables for Cars: What is Important to Know Before Buying

Jumper Cables for Cars: What is Important to Know Before Buying

Photo: jumper cables for a car (Getty Images) Author: Konstantin Shirokun

This basic device, which can save the driver in case of battery failure, may also be unsuitable for the job. And there are probably at least half of such jumper cables on the market. We tell you how to buy the right jumper cables.

Read about how to identify the right cable for jump-starting a car in the RBC-Ukraine article.

Connecting two thick cables from another car's battery to your battery is the last resort to start a cold engine if the dead battery can't turn the starter. However, for this simple rescue method to be successful, there is only one condition: the magic cables mentioned must be of high quality. What does this mean?

Jumper Cables for Cars: What is Important to Know Before Buying

Why Jump Starter Cables Are Problematic

There are several requirements for the starting cable, which can be checked even with the naked eye. All the nuances are explained by the fact that the current it must transmit is quite impressive, about 200-300 amperes (depending on the engine volume and the oil temperature in its crankcase). Therefore, the key factor is the electrical resistance of the cable: if it is too high, part of the current, figuratively speaking, will be lost along the way and the rest may not be enough to start the starter.

The main current losses occur in the copper core of the cable and in the places where it connects to the alligator clips. In case of poor contact, heating and a large voltage drop (up to 2-5 volts) are possible, due to which the energy will still be insufficient – just like with your native dead battery.

Therefore, when choosing a jumper cable, pay attention to the following details:

  • The total thickness of the copper core of the cable should be at least 4.5 – 5 mm. We emphasize – it is the diameter of the copper that is important, and not the total thickness of the wire together with the plastic or rubber insulation;
  • The clamps for the terminals must be strong, with rigid springs, and most importantly – with a large contact surface. Otherwise, the voltage drop at the points of connection to the battery terminals will be too large;
  • It is important that the cable is securely, rigidly fixed in its clamps, and with a large contact area with the metal of the “crocodile”. Ideally, the copper wire is connected to both parts of the clamp;
  • A very long cable is not very good, as it will have high resistance losses. The price also depends on the amount of copper, i.e. the length. Usually 2.5 m is enough;
  • The cable must be flexible, especially in the cold. It is difficult to find out when buying indoors, but keep in mind: when poor-quality plastic insulation cracks in the cold and eventually falls off the copper conductor, a short circuit may occur – the batteries will fail, and a small fire is also possible.

Jumper Cables for Cars: What is Important to Know Before Buying

In brief

We must say honestly: lighting a cigarette from another car is not very good. After all, in the current Ukrainian climate, a modern car, even a very old one, should always start without problems.

Consider the price of a good jumper cable, consider that there is not always a colleague nearby who is ready to give you a light – and think about whether it is worth keeping an eye on your car to make sure it is always in good working order? Especially in the cold season and especially away from home. At any service station, you will be able to get those few systems that the engine starts and runs on fixed.

In preparing this article, materials from Autocentre and AutoBild were used .

Let us recall that RBC-Ukraine recently reported why pedestrians are not always right.


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