• 14/03/2025 02:38

Lviv surgeons operated on a woman who lived with a rare syndrome for 30 years


Mar 26, 2024

Photo Lviv surgeons operated on a woman who lived for 30 years with fused fingers, such a pathology occurs once every hundred thousand.

This was reported on Facebook by the First Medical Association of Lvov, reports Ukrinform.

«A rare hand syndrome, which occurs in only 1 person in 100 thousand, was corrected by specialists from the St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Unit in Lviv. Now a woman who has been married for a long time dreams of finally putting a wedding ring on ring finger, the message says.

It is noted that the patient is 49-year-old Lesya Buchatskaya from Lvov. As a child, she severely injured both hands as a result of a fall. At the age of 17, she underwent surgery to correct the consequences of the injury. However, the intervention, unfortunately, was unsuccessful. The woman developed and developed a severe pathology – the ring and middle fingers of both hands froze, stopped straightening, and subsequently became completely fused. And only now – 30 years later – Lesya decided to trust the doctors.

Surgeons at St. Panteleimon Hospital diagnosed Erles Danlos syndrome, that is, an anomaly in the development of connective tissue. Doctors explain that as a result of the injury the patient developed and developed a severe defect in both hands. The scars on the palms froze the phalanges and over time the fingers that could not straighten at all grew together.

“To restore the function of the hands, our surgeons performed a complex intervention using the flap technique. First, doctors freed the soft tissue from scars and adhesions, and then took a flap from the radial vessel with the patient’s own soft tissue and closed the defect with it. The operation lasted six hours and was successful, the medical institution adds.

<iframe allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" "0" height="728" scrolling="no" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F1tmolviv%2Fposts% 2Fpfbid0junqBEXCudo7ZnvAkVs8QgFJt4yjtWTPMzWVYiN6A4ycafbCGSctv6QRCake67Vyl&show_ text=true&width=500" style="border:none;overflow, the patient will face a long rehabilitation, because over the years the muscles and tendons have atrophied. And in order to develop them, you need to work with a physical therapist every day. And in a month, the woman will undergo the same intervention on the second hand.

As Ukrinform reported, in Lviv, specialists from the Center “Indestructible” (UNBROKEN) – within the framework of a joint social project with L&O;Oreal “Not (K) beauty” – will perform plastic surgery on a resident of the Kherson region, Irina Slinkova, who was shot in the face by a Russian soldier .


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