• 20/02/2025 23:43

Is it possible to recover from garlic? Myths and truth about his benefit in cold

We are often told that garlic is useful during colds and even accelerates recovery. But is it?

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Colds are unpleasant: a stuffy nose, a sore throat, endless sneezing attacks-it is enough for you to reach any means that promises relief. When over -the -counter medicines do not help, many of us resort to home remedies. For example, to raw garlic. But can I really recover from garlic? Is this another myth from the network? Is it possible to recover from garlic: what are the study of garlic for the treatment of colds

Garlic is not just a seasoning, it is used in food and as a medicine for thousands of years, since ancient Egypt. The spells are in allicin, a compound with powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that support the immune health ’ I, says dietary bonnie Taub-dicks. But can garlic really help you defeat the cold?

Some promising data indicate that yes. In particular, one study showed that participants who took garlic additive (180 milligrams of allicin daily for 12 weeks) had much less cold diseases – 24 cases, comparing with 65 cases in the placebo group. Although this is a big difference, the authors warn that additional research is required to confirm the results.

A new systematic inspection published in 2020 in Trends in Food and Science Technology also showed that garlic and its sulfroganic compounds (ingredients containing sulfur minerals that can be found in other vegetable and onions) have antiviral properties that can help prevent viral infections. However, you should try it (if you are not allergic, of course) to find out if it will help you personally.

Raw garlic is not just the main product in the kitchen, it is a small source of nutrients. Here are some potential advantages that you can get from using this fragrant vegetable. Garlic stimulates immune cells, such as macrophages, T- and B cells that help to fight infections and produce antibodies, says Doctor William Lee.

  • It can help prevent colds. According to Dr. Lee, some studies show that the bioactive component of garlic is not only helps to fight infections, but also has antiviral properties that can help in the prevention of viruses such as colds. In the review published in 2020 in Trends in Food and Science Technology, which was mentioned earlier. Garlic is able to prevent colds and other viral infections by blocking pathogenic viruses from penetration into the owner's cells.
  • It can help support your heart. In addition to maintaining the immune system, garlic is also considered an ingredient that is useful for the heart. For example, it can improve the condition of the blood vessels, which is extremely important for health ’ I am the cardiovascular system.
  • it can protect against some types of cancer. Research is limited, but some of the first data indicate that garlic (and other vegetables of the Alium family, such as onions) may have some anticancer properties – mainly due to the positive impact on immune cells.
  • Are there any side effects in raw garlic?

    • Digestive problems. The use of raw garlic can lead to heartburn, acid reflux and diarrhea, especially if you are so prone to stomach problems.
    • bad breath and body odor. The severe aroma of garlic can be lined in the mouth longer than you would like, which will lead to a rather unpleasant odor from the mouth. It can even change the smell of your sweat by making it a little more stinking than usual.
    • blood thinning. In some cases, regular consumption of a large amount of raw garlic can act as a diluteing agent that can increase the risk of bleeding.
    • Interaction with medicines. Garlic can interact with drugs such as blood thinning drugs, HIV medicines and some medicines that help control blood sugar as well as others.

    If you are taking any Care or prescription medicines or supplements, consult your doctor before adding garlic or garlic supplements to your diet. For most people, a second garlic in cooking is absolutely safe and can even bring some benefits for health ’ I say Dr. Lee. ; to eat a day? If it is more than 8217; it can lead to acidic reflux, stomach upset or branded “garlic odor from the mouth”, – he adds. Here are a few effective domestic ways.


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