• 26/07/2024 22:46

Exchange rates on December 22: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

 Курс валют на 22 декабря: сколько стоят доллар, евро и злотый

The currency rose rapidly before the weekend.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official exchange rate for Friday, December 22. The cost of a dollar is 37.55 UAH, which is 4 kopecks more. more than the previous day's rate. The euro rose by 22 kopecks, and the zloty by 2 kopecks.

This was reported to the NBU.

Dollar exchange rate

  • 1 US dollar – 37.59 UAH (+4 kopecks)

Euro exchange rate

  • 1 euro – 41.28 UAH (+22 kop.)

Zloty exchange rate

  • 1 Polish zloty – 9.51 UAH (+6 kopecks).

Dollar exchange rate in banks

  • “PrivatBank” – 37.40 – 37.90 UAH
  • “Oshchadbank” – 37.80 – 38.15 UAH
  • “PUMB” – 37.50 – 38.10 UAH
  • “Ukrsibbank” – 37.50 – 38.10 UAH
  • “Ukreximbank” – 37.55 – 38.25 UAH

Euro exchange rate in banks

  • “PrivatBank” – 40.90 – 41.90 UAH
  • “Sberbank” – 41.00 – 41.90 UAH
  • “PUMB” – 41.20 – 41.90 UAH
  • “Ukrsibbank” – 40.90 – 41.90 UAH
  • “Ukreximbank” – 41.15 – 41.95 UAH

Zloty exchange rate in banks

  • “PrivatBank” – 9.23 – 9.63 UAH
  • “Sberbank” – 8.90 – 9.60 UAH
  • “PUMB” – 9.15 – 9.70 UAH
  • “Raiffeisen Bank” – 8.80 – 9.60 UAH

In exchange offices, a dollar is sold for an average of 38.20 UAH. Buy for 37.50 UAH. Exchangers offer 40.20 UAH for euros . Sold for 41.00 UAH.

As reported, the exchange rate in Ukraine: the dollar has gone up. In the cash currency market, after fluctuations, an upward trend was clearly defined, the hryvnia noticeably fell in price.

Read also:

  • Exchange rates on December 21: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty
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