• 11/02/2025 19:13

Polish farmers suspend medical border blockade until early January

Польські фермери призупиняють блокаду кордону у Медиці до початку січня

Starting Sunday, December 24, Polish farmers will suspend the blockade of truck traffic near the Medika-Shegini checkpoint until January 2-3.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland reported this, Ukrinform reports.

“The protest in Meditsa is suspended starting tomorrow from 09:00 (Kyiv time). Minister Czeslaw Sekierski and the ministry’s Secretary of State Michal Kołodziejczak met with protesting farmers in Medica,” the ministry said in a statement.

As Polsatnews.pl notes, the parties agreed that the protest will be suspended until January 2-3. During the meeting in Meditsa, Sekerski assured the protesters that their demands would be met, but that it would take time.

The leader of the farmers' organization “Podkarpackie deceived village” Roman Kondrów noted that the protest will be suspended until January 2-3. According to him, if he receives written assurance from Prime Minister Donald Tusk that their demands will be met, they will probably refuse to continue the strike.

As Ukrinform reported, on November 6, Polish carriers blocked the movement of trucks on the border with Ukraine at the Yagodin-Dorogusk, Krakovets-Korcheva, and Rava-Russkaya-Grebennoe checkpoints.

Then Polish farmers joined them at the Shegini-Medika checkpoint, putting forward their demands. Farmers are pushing for corn subsidies, keeping the farm tax next year at 2023 levels and extending loans to ensure liquidity.

Photo: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland


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