• 13/03/2025 13:03

In Ukraine, apartments have changed: how much is housing now

B. Ukraine Apartments have changed: how much housing costs

the real estate market in Ukraine demonstrates active development, especially in Kyiv and in the western regions.

in Ukraine leads Kyiv, the leadership of prices in the primary and secondary real estate market. And the most affordable housing is offered in the front -line regions – in the Kherson region, Zaporozhye and Odessa.

This is reported by the Ministry of Finance.

Prices for apartments in the primary market

In January 2025, 23 new buildings (38 sections) were commissioned in Ukraine. The most new objects appeared in the Kyiv region – seven, four of of which directly in the capital.

as of the end of January, the total number of completed new buildings in Ukraine amounted to 763. Most of all the rented housing was recorded in the following areas:

  • Odessa – 54%,
  • Volynskaya – 48%,
  • Dnepropetrovskaya – 43%,
  • Rivne-43%.

In January, the price of a square meter in the primary market has not changed significantly, and in some regions it even increased by 1-8%. A slight decrease in prices was recorded only in four areas.

Kyiv – 1351 dollars remains the leader in the prices of the apartments. for sq. m, which corresponds to the indicators of the previous month. At the same time, in the annual dimension, the cost of new housing in the capital decreased by 5% ($ 70 per sq. M).

Interest in new buildings continues to grow throughout the country. The most search queries regarding primary housing were recorded in the following regions:

  • Ternopol region,
  • Ivano-Frankivsk region,
  • Volyn region,
  • Lviv region.

Prices for apartments in the secondary market

In January, the offer of apartments in the secondary market increased significantly. Most of the new ads were added in the Zhytomyr, Ternopol and Ivano-Frankivsk regions-about twice as much compared to December. In Kyiv and the region, the number of offers increased one and a half times.

prices in the secondary market were mostly stable, with fluctuations between several percent. In annual calculus, the cost of housing mostly increased. Single -room apartments in the Transcarpathian region have risen in price – plus 33% per year.

TOP 5 regions with the most expensive one -room apartments:

  • Kyiv – 88 350 dollars,
  • Lviv region – $ 71 830,
  • Transcarpathian region-$ 70 380,
  • Vinnitsa region-$ 54,000,
  • Ivano-Frankivsk region-52 500 dollars.

The most affordable housing is offered in the following areas:

  • Kherson – $ 15,000,
  • Zaporizhzhya – $ 20,000,
  • Sumskaya – 21 800 Dol.

Apartments in Kiev

In Kiev, the most expensive apartments are traditionally located in the Pechersky district, where the average price of one -room housing reaches 135 thousand dollars. The cheapest housing In the capital, you can find in the Desnyansky district – here a one -room apartment costs $ 46 thousand

by the way, experts told how housing prices in Ukraine will increase in 2025. Read also:

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