During the first month of the program, 2025 Ukrainian enterprises submitted 201 applications for grants for manufacturing enterprises, which is 1.4 times more than in the same period last year.
The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine reports this, Ukrinform reports.
“During the first month of the program, 2025 Ukrainian entrepreneurs submitted 201 applications for grants for manufacturing enterprises for a total amount of over 1.07 billion UAH. For the same period last year “144 applications for UAH 701 million were submitted,” says the informant.
It is noted that applications for grants were received from a variety of processing enterprises: food processors, furniture factories, companies producing metal compounds and concrete, wood processing enterprises and agroprocessors.
Please note that many of these participants have built lethal apparatus generators.
According to the words of the First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko, an increase in the number of applications by 40% and the amount of funding by 52.6%, equalized with the past fate, demonstrates the failure Ukrainian business will continue to develop in intelligent minds.
The most active applications were submitted by enterprises from the Lviv region (29), Kiev (22), Kiev (19), Kharkiv (17) and Dnipropetrovsk (17) regions. Applications were received from many regions of Ukraine, including the front-line Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya and Mykolayiv regions.
The ministry guessed that the programs are transferring 50/50 spivfinancing for most enterprises and 80/20 for drone manufacturers, printing and front-line enterprises regions.
Submitting applications proceeds gradually, in increments of two. 3 15 bereznya is the third day of receiving applications. Documents can be submitted through the Diya platform.
As it was reported, the program is partly a policy for the development of producers “Made in Ukraine” and conveys the possibility of removing, on the minds of spivfinancing, costs for modernization and expansion of the production efforts of producers enterprises
To receive a grant, a business must create at least 5 jobs and work at least three jobs. The maximum grant amount is UAH 8 million. Costs can be purchased for installation, delivery, installation and launch of the equipment, including with software security.