• 27/07/2024 00:03

A popular vegetable continues to fall in price in Ukraine: what is the price now?

 Continues in Ukraine a popular vegetable is getting cheaper: what is the price now

The demand for tomatoes has decreased noticeably.

Greenhouse tomatoeshave become cheaper lately in Ukraine strong>. The reason is said to be an increase in sampling in farms throughout the country, as well as a decrease in demand in this segment.

This is reported by the East Fruit project.

At the same time, according to experts, there remain stable supply of tomatoes from the external market, which also affects prices.

As of May 3, Ukrainian greenhouse plants were selling tomatoes no more than 60-90 UAH/kg ($1.52-2.28/kg). This is on average 30% cheaper than at the end of the last working week.

“Ukrainian producers are forced to reduce prices so significantly due to increased competition from cheaper imported products,” the message says.

Since mid-April, market participants have reported the arrival of significant volumes of tomatoes from Turkey. Now they are sold for 50–55 UAH/kg ($1.27–1.40/kg). At the same time, the demand for tomatoes in Ukraine remains quite restrained.

So far, Ukrainian greenhouse plants are shipping tomatoes on average 14% cheaper than in the same period in 2023. Market players do not exclude a further reduction in prices for tomatoes if the pace of sales of greenhouse tomatoes does not accelerate.

It became known earlier that in Ukraine, as in other countries of Eastern Europe,banana prices – at a record high level for this period of the year. This has a negative impact on consumption prospects.


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