• 26/07/2024 22:57

Exchange rates on April 19: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

 Exchange rates as of April 19: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

The currency has increased in value.

The National Bank of Ukraine has established an official exchange ratesfor Friday, April 19. The Dollar added 6 kopecks. The Euro increased by 22 kopecks, and the Polish zloty – by 10 kopecks.

The NBU reported this.

< strong>Dollar exchange rate

  • 1 US dollar – 39.60 UAH (+6 kopecks)

Euro exchange rate

  • 1 euro – 42.27 UAH (+22 kopecks)

Zloty exchange rate

< ul>

  • 1 Polish zloty – 9.76 UAH (+10 kopecks)
  • Dollar exchange rate in banks

    • “PrivatBank” – 39.40-40.00 UAH
    • “FUIB” – 39.40-39.90 UAH
    • “UkrSibbank” – 39.40-39.98 UAH
    • Ukreximbank – 39.35-39.95 UAH

    Euro exchange rate in banks

      < li>“PrivatBank” – 41.90-42.90 UAH
    • “FUIB” – 42.30-42.90 UAH
    • “UkrSibbank” – 41.90-42, 90 UAH
    • Ukreximbank – 42.30-43.10 UAH

    Zloty exchange rate in banks

    • PrivatBank – 9.63-9.85 UAH
    • FUIB – 9.40-9.90 UAH
    • Ukreximbank – 9.45-9 ,75 UAH

    As reported, in Ukraine, payments for childrenwho have lost volunteer parents have increased significantly. Now payments amount to 7,800 UAH for each minor child and 6,100 UAH for each child in families with two or more children.


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