• 26/07/2024 22:49

Vegetable prices are breaking records: an expert named the reasons for the rise in prices

 Prices for vegetables are breaking records: the expert named the reasons for the rise in prices

The rise in price of potatoes is especially noticeable.

Food prices are rising in Ukraine. In particular, popular vegetables have become more expensive.

Executive Director of the Economic Discussion Club Oleg Pendzin explained to the Focus publication what influenced the increase in prices.

According to him, the situation with the increase in the cost of strategic vegetables has the same reasons as with dairy raw materials. He added that prices for vegetables have increased in different ways.

“Potatoes have grown almost three times. Why? Who produces 90% of our potatoes today? What do we eat? Households. Potatoes have grown, they are in the cellars, but in order to take them to the market, you need workers. to transfer it to retail chains, you need workers. There are fewer of them. And then a problem arose, indeed, potatoes have increased in price. I think that the price growth has now stopped a little – it has reached its peak, but still, it is relative to the 2-month period showed a significant increase: it cost 12 UAH per kg, and now – under 30 UAH per kg,” the expert said.

The increase in the price of imported vegetables also occurred due to the increase in the cost of logistics as a result of the blocking of the Polish border, and also due to the devaluation of the hryvnia, since imported goods are purchased for foreign currency.

Thus, the consumer price index for fruits and vegetables in February 2024 amounted to 105.06%. Compared to January, fruits and vegetables increased in price by an average of 5.06%.

It was previously reported that although inflation in Ukraine is slowing down, almost all products and services have become more expensive over the year and goods.

The Ministry of Agricultural Policy believes that in 2024 prices for basic products in Ukraine will remain stable, but only those produced in Ukraine.


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