• 26/07/2024 22:33

What will the salaries of Ukrainians be in 2024-2026: The Cabinet of Ministers made a forecast

 Какими будут зарплаты украинцев в 2024-2026 годах: Кабмин сделал прогноз

The government promises an increase in salaries of Ukrainians in the next three years.

In 2024, the minimum wage and the cost of living will increase.

The Cabinet of Ministers spoke about this.

Average monthly salary

According to the government forecast: the average monthly salary will be:

  • In 2024 – 21,809 UAH;
  • in 2025 – UAH 25,732;
  • in 2026 – 30260 UAH.

Minimum wage

In Ukraine, the minimum wage is 6,700 hryvnia. Next year they plan to increase the minimum wage in two waves:

  • January 1 – up to 7.1 thousand hryvnia;
  • April 1 – up to 8 thousand hryvnia.


The Cabinet of Ministers predicts a slowdown in inflation. The consumer price index could reach 9.7% in 2024, 8.1% in 2025 and 6.9% in 2026, according to the government.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate for people aged 15-70 is projected to be 19.7% of the labor force in 2024, 17.7% in 2025 and 15% in 2026.

Previously, we wrote about cities where salaries are highest in Ukraine.

Read also:

  • In Kyiv, vacancies have increased almost one and a half times: who is being looked for most and where are the highest salaries?
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  • Pensions will be increased in Ukraine in January: to whom and by how much

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