• 17/03/2025 08:48

Land market: Business sold almost 1.3 thousand hectares of land after the opening of the market

After the opening of the land market for legal entities, despite expectations, businesses began to sell land rather than buy. Since January 2024, the business has sold at least 342 land plots totaling up to 1,283 hectares. This is stated in the Opendatabot message.

Land market: Business sold almost 1.3 thousand hectares of land after the opening of the market

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During this period, 12 companies sold their plots and dropped out of the land monitoring system, because their land holdings are less than 100 hectares.

The State Land Cadastre (SLC) monitors 271 Ukrainian companies that own land of more than 100 hectares .

Which companies in Ukraine own the largest amount of land

    The largest amount of land in Ukraine is owned by the agricultural firm “Svitanok”: more than 5 thousand hectares as of mid-March of this year. In second place is the Druzhkovskoe mine management: 3.3 thousand hectares. The trinity is closed by Zemletrade – 3 thousand hectares.

Land market: Business sold almost 1.3 thousand hectares of land after the opening of the market

It is worth noting that “Zemlettrade” sold almost 160 hectares of its land in less than three months. However, the largest amount of land during this time was sold by the A.T.K. — 284 hectares.


The land market in Ukraine officially started on July 1, 2021. Until 2024, only individual citizens of Ukraine could buy agricultural land with a limit of 100 hectares. The law on the land market prohibits foreigners from buying land.

On January 1, 2024, the second stage of the land market started in Ukraine. Now legal entities have the right to purchase agricultural land. You can only buy private land plots with a total area of ​​no more than 10 thousand hectares in one hand.


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