The number of participants in the non-banking financial market in June decreased from 1,014 (as of May 31, 2024) to 990 (as of June 30, 2024). The number of banks decreased by one, to 62. This is stated in the NBU report.
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What has changed in the market
12 financial companies, one life insurer, three pawnshops and one credit union is forced, at the initiative of the applicant – four life insurers and four credit unions. At the same time, one financial company is included in the State Register of Financial Institutions.
During June, three financial companies, one insurer, and one credit union had all their licenses forcibly revoked; another nine financial companies, four insurers, three pawnshops, and four unions had their licenses voluntarily revoked (based on their applications). The National Bank agreed to narrow the scope of the license for 22 financial companies and one insurer.
Who works in the market
As of June 30, the following worked in the non-banking financial services market:
- 548 financial companies (in May there were 555) 78 non-life insurers (there were 83) 12 life insurers (the number did not change) one insurer with a special status 116 pawnshops (there were 119) 120 credit unions (there were 125), 1 lessor (there were 5, but 4, as a result of re-issuance of licenses, acquired the status of a financial institution) 40 insurance brokers (the number has not changed) 74 collection companies (the number has not changed).
In addition, there are 18 banking groups recognized on the market (the number has not changed) and 31 non-banking financial groups (the previous number was 27).
There are 18 payment systems created by residents in the payment market , taking into account state-owned (the number has not changed) and 15 international payment systems created by non-residents (the number has not changed).
At the same time, the market for financial payment service providers has not changed: 20 payment institutions operate on the market (the number has not changed), 12 financial institutions entitled to provide payment services (the number has not changed), one bank is an issuer of electronic money (the number has not changed) and one postal operator (the number has not changed).
K other entities operating in the payment market include 44 commercial agents (from 42) and 36 technological operators of payment services (the number has not changed).