• 14/03/2025 02:23

State-owned Sense Bank issued more than 250 “energy” loans to individuals

The bank noted that since the launch of the program, more than 250 clients have applied to the financial institution for “energy” loans. The loans were provided under the “Energy Source” program for equipment for the generation and storage of energy.

State-owned Sense Bank has issued more than 250

Bankers noted that the absolute leader in the number of acquisitions was charging stations, for the purchase of which 61.29% of all “energy” loans were issued. Generators are in second place in popularity among Sense Bank clients, accounting for 19.76%. The remaining 18.95% falls on solar panels, voltage relays, power banks and other equipment.

State Sense Bank issued more than 250 “energy” loans to individuals

According to Sense Bank, the most active lending was in Kyiv and the Kyiv region — 42% of issued loans were in the capital region. Next comes the Dnipropetrovsk region with a figure of 22%, and the top three is rounded out by the Odessa region, where 10% of loans were taken for energy-efficient solutions. The remaining 26% were evenly distributed among 15 regions of Ukraine.

Alexey Stupak, Chairman of the Board of Sense Bank, noted in his comment that the development of the Source of Energy program, in particular the expansion of the line of loan products for individuals, can significantly mitigate the consequences of power outages for the population.

“Relevance of lending individuals for energy equipment is difficult to overestimate. Every day, more than 5 families sign up for a loan agreement with our bank for energy solutions for their home. And this is not surprising, because in such difficult times it is a real tool for ensuring energy security and independence of every home. It is the combination of state and bank lending programs that can fully ensure access to funds for necessary equipment for all segments of the population,” noted Alexey Stupak.

Recall that the state-owned Sense Bank recently launched a comprehensive lending program “Energy Source” “, and on July 19, the financial institution issued the first loan for the construction of a solar power plant within the framework of the state program “Affordable loans 5-7-9%”



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