• 27/07/2024 00:27

Businesses are preparing to increase water tariffs. How much will you have to pay

The National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities, supported for discussion changes in tariffs for water supply and sewerage for non-domestic consumers of a number of water utilities. The regulator made the corresponding decision at a meeting on May 8, Ukrinform reports.

Business is preparing to increase water tariffs. How much will you have to pay

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What will the tariffs be h3>

From June 1, it is proposed to establish the following wholesale tariffs for drainage (per 1 cubic meter excluding VAT):

    CP “Production Department of Water Supply and Sewage Facilities of the City of Uzhgorod” – 11.88 UAH; KP “Vodokanal” (Zaporozhye) – 9.36 UAH; CP “Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotekhprom” – 6.87 UAH; “Lvivvodokanal” – 9.02 UAH; “Chernivtsivodokanal” – 10.26 UAH; “Kyivvodokanal” – 9.66 UAH; “Dneproprovodokanal” – 11.52 UAH; “Zhytomyrvodokanal” – 17.52 UAH; “Cherkasyvodokanal” – 10.51 UAH; “Kharkovvodokanal” – 9.88 UAH.

Tariff for centralized water supply to other consumers (except for households, for 1 cubic meter excluding VAT):

    KP “Production Department of Water Supply and Sewerage of the City of Uzhgorod” – 30.36 UAH; KP “Vodokanal” (Zaporozhye) – 22.88 UAH; CP “Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotekhprom” – 17.45 UAH; “Lvivvodokanal” – 20.04 UAH; “Chernivtsivodokanal” – 23.86 UAH; “Kyivvodokanal” – 21.42 UAH; “Dneproprovodokanal” – 23.92 UAH; “Zhytomyrvodokanal” – 32.77 UAH; “Cherkasyvodokanal” – 20.19 UAH; “Kharkovvodokanal” – 22.87 UAH.​

The highest tariffs for water supply for non-domestic consumers are proposed to be set for PJSC “Energoresursy” – 53.39 UAH per 1 cubic meter.

High tariff for drainage – KP “Oblvodokanal” of the Zaporozhye Regional Council (41.3 UAH per 1 cubic meter).


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