• 26/07/2024 19:39

Confiscated Russian assets cannot replace US aid to Ukraine – Yellen

Any plan to confiscate or monetize some $282 billion in frozen Russian assets for Ukraine cannot be seen as a replacement for the urgently needed aid that has been held up in Congress. This was stated by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Bloomberg reports.

Confiscated Russian assets cannot replace US aid to Ukraine — Yellen

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“I don’t see a real replacement for Congress to provide the assistance Ukraine needs this year. “I don’t think anyone can fill that gap,” Yellen said.

She also said that while the European Union has offered substantial funding to Ukraine and Japan has also contributed, the total amount doesn’t seem to be sufficient.

These funds can help Ukraine in the near future, while Kiev is waiting for more comprehensive assistance, Yellen noted.


The “Ministry of Finance” wrote that the Senate On February 13, the United States in the final vote supported the bill on foreign financing, which provides $60.06 billion in support of Ukraine, including $7.85 billion for direct budget assistance.

Now the bill must be approved by the House of Representatives of the American Congress, where Republicans have a majority. Its speaker made it clear that the House would not agree with the Senate bill because it would not resolve the US border issue.


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