• 26/07/2024 20:36

Easter basket. How has the price increased over the year?

The Easter basket in 2024 will be 17.6% more expensive than last year’s and will amount to 1,422 hryvnia. This was reported by the NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”.

Easter basket. How the cost has increased over the year

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How the cart cost has changed

According to calculations by scientists from the Institute of Agrarian Economics, in 2024, traditional paska, eggs, homemade sausage, boiled pork, lard, butter, soft and hard cheeses, horseradish and salt will cost about 1,422.05 UAH for a family of 4 people, i.e. 17.6% more expensive than in the past, when the same set of products cost 1,208.78 UAH.

It is noted that the cost of the main component of the Easter basket – homemade paska according to the traditional recipe – will be 179.8 UAH. 1 kg, which is 5.8% higher than the cost of paska 2023 (169.88 UAH).

According to the Institute, the most expensive components of the Easter basket are traditionally meat products. Compared to last year, homemade sausage is 380−420 UAH/kg (+14.3%), boiled pork is 500−540 UAH/kg (+14.2%), lard is 210−280 UAH/kg (+3. 1%).

Compared to 2023, the cost of hard cheese increased by 31.9% (450-550 UAH/kg), soft cheese – by 23.0% (37-45 UAH per pack 200 g), butter – by 16.4%. % (73.2−80.5 UAH per pack of 200 g).

The price for 250 g of horseradish will be 26 UAH (25−29 UAH) and will depend from the manufacturer and flavoring components, the cost of salt (100−150 g) is also symbolic – 3 UAH.

In the case of supplementing the Easter basket with other, non-main components: tomatoes, cucumbers , apples, red wine (Cahors) – its cost will increase to 1652.05 UAH.

Calculation method

The calculation of the cost of the Easter basket was made by scientists of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics” based on data from the Ministry of Finance, which conducts daily monitoring of prices for essential food products in grocery supermarkets Auchan, Fozzy, Furshet, Megamarket, Metro, Novus, Varus as of April 10, 2024.

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