• 26/07/2024 19:48

Enemy losses per day: another 850 invaders and 6 tanks

Over the last 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed about 850 invaders, 6 tanks and more than 50 artillery systems. This is evidenced by data from the General Staff.

Enemy losses per day: another 850 invaders and 6 tanks

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Total enemy combat losses since 02/24/22 as of 03/09/24 approximately amounted to:

    personnel – about 423,160 (+850) tanks – 6,712 (+6) armored fighting vehicles – 12,823 (+25) artillery systems – 10,428 (+53) MLRS units – 1012 (+1) units of air defense equipment – 707 (+3) units of aircraft – 347 (+0) units of helicopters – 325 (+0) units of operational-tactical level UAVs – 8041 (+43) cruise missiles – 1919 ( +0) ships/boats – 26 (+0) units submarines – 1 (+0) units automobiles and tank trucks – 13683 (+85) units special equipment – 1666 (+10)


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