• 27/07/2024 03:28

Gambling business leaders increased their wealth by 28 times – Opendatabot

According to the Opendatabot Index, the top 10 most successful gambling companies increased their wealth by 28 times last year. The Index includes 9 online casinos and 1 lottery operator. The leader was the company Spacex (Cosmolot brand), and the largest increase in earnings – as much as 425 times – was the company Favbet (FAVBET brand).

Leaders of the gambling business increased their wealth by 28 times — Opendatabot

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The top included 9 online casinos, two of which are also engaged in bookmaking activities, and 1 lottery operator. If in 2022 only a third of the businesses from the Index were able to make a profit – we are talking about SpaceX, Ukr Game Technology and Neitov APPS – last year was profitable for all companies from the top 10.

The company became the leader in the gambling business sector Spacex (known as Cosmolot), owned by Sergei Potapov and British businessman Arnulf Damerau. The company's income in 2023 exceeded the previous year's figures by 51 times, reaching 27.95 billion hryvnia.

Leaders of the gambling business increased their wealth by 28 times — Opendatabot


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