• 26/07/2024 19:50

In two months of 2024, pension fund income increased by 5%

The income of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) for January-February amounted to UAH 127.2 billion. This is 5% more (+5.7 billion UAH) than during the same period last year. At the same time, the plan for revenues from the Unified Social Security Fund, which is the main source of income for the Pension Fund, has not been fulfilled. The head of the Tax Committee, Daniil Getmantsev, wrote about this in his telegram channel.

Over two months of 2024, pension fund income increased by 5%

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    In the part of the unified social contribution, which is distributed for pension insurance, by 9.9% (shortage of UAH 7.6 billion).

    In the part of the unified social contribution, which is distributed for social insurance in connection with loss of ability to work, by 15.3% (shortage of 0.9 billion UAH).

“I will not commit treason, But I’ll say it straight as it is: this is due to lower budget expenditures on wages in January-February due to the need to save money in the context of shortfalls in external budget funding. The state collects the Unified Social Security and at the same time is the largest payer of the Unified Social Security, including for salaries of public sector employees and cash support for the military,” Getmantsev wrote.

    Transfer from the state budget of the Pension Fund in January-February for the same reasons savings were 7.2% less (-3 billion UAH) than a year ago.

According to Getmantsev, in March-April the situation with budget expenditures on wages and pensions will level out, which will support the income of the Pension Fund.

“The temporary subsidence in the planned income of the Pension Fund at the beginning of the year did not influenced the indexation of pensions by 8% from March 1 of this year: updated pensions for 10 million Ukrainian pensioners for March will be paid on time and in full,” summed up the Chairman of the Tax Committee.


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