• 26/07/2024 19:58

Lobbying has been legalized in Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law on Integrity Lobbying, regulating activities carried out for remuneration with the aim of influencing government bodies. This is reported on the website of the Ukrainian parliament.

Lobbying has been legalized in Ukraine

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The law defines that lobbying is an activity carried out for remuneration in order to influence government bodies, authorities local government in the commercial interests of the beneficiary or in the own commercial interests of individuals and concerns the development of regulations.

Lobbying will be carried out transparently, for this it is planned to create an open register of lobbyists – the Transparency Register, for which the National Agency for preventing corruption. It will be conducted in Ukrainian and English, all information will be presented in a format accessible for automated assembly and processing.

Lobbyists will have to report on their meetings with officials whom they influence.

The law will come into force two months after the start of the register, but no later than January 1, 2025.

Lobbying will be prohibited for officials (including those who served within a year after dismissal), persons with criminal record, citizens and companies from the aggressor state (i.e. Russia), sanctioned persons, media, political parties, religious organizations, etc.


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