• 26/07/2024 20:13

NBU predicts tax increase by 2.5% of GDP

The National Bank of Ukraine provides for an increase in taxes by 2.5% of GDP in the 2024-2026 horizon. This is discussed in the NBU inflation report.

The NBU predicts a tax increase of 2.5% of GDP

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“The forecast scenario involves the implementation of measures to mobilize additional fiscal revenues by 2.5% of GDP over the forecast horizon to provide an emission-free source of financing,” the message says.

According to the regulator’s forecast , this will keep spending significant, in particular on reconstruction and social support, but also reduce the budget deficit from 20.7% of GDP in 2024 to 7.5% of GDP in 2026.


The “Ministry of Finance” wrote that the NBU worsened the estimate of real GDP growth in 2024 from 3.6% in the previous macro forecast to 3% and worsened the expectation of growth in 2025 by 0.2 percentage points. to 5.6% and kept the forecast for 2026 at 4.5%.


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