• 26/07/2024 20:47

Register of corrupt officials: where there are more and what they get caught for

2.4 thousand people were included in the Register of Corrupt Officials in 2023, according to NACP data. This is almost three times less compared to 2021. This is stated in Opendatabot's data.

 Register of corrupt officials: where there are more and for what they get caught

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How many people are on the register of corrupt officials?

2420 people were included in the Register of Corrupt Officials last year. This is 65% less than in pre-war 2021. Then the list was expanded by almost 7 thousand entries.

Register of corrupt officials: where there are more and for what they get caught

Where are the most corrupt officials

Over the past three years, the Lviv region has become the leader in terms of sentences passed. The number of records since the beginning of the great war has also decreased: if in 2021 there were 537, then in the past there were only 192.

Register of corrupt officials: where there are more and for what they get caught

Why they are included in the register

In 2021, people were mainly included in the Register of Corrupt Officials due to violations related to declarations – 75.9% of sentences. Already in 2023, the share of such cases decreased to 1.6%. This is due to the fact that since the beginning of the great war, the NACP did not check the declarations of officials, and the submission of declarations itself was not mandatory.

Therefore, in 2022-2023, more people were included in the register because of the offer or promise of illegal benefits for actions or inaction in power – 38.2% and 53.1% of cases, respectively.

Register of corrupt officials: where there are more and for what they get caught


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