• 26/07/2024 23:58

Russia will create a platform for storing confiscated cryptocurrency

Russia will create a state digital platform for collecting confiscated cryptocurrency. Izvestia and The Moscow Times write about this.

Russia will create a platform for storing confiscated cryptocurrency

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“Life develops, new technologies and tools appear , which need to be used by law enforcement agencies as well. If they confiscate cryptocurrency, then it must be stored somewhere. But it is obvious that it cannot simply be placed in a warehouse,” explained Anatoly Aksakov, head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market.

According to him, already in the spring session the State Duma will introduce the concept of cryptocurrency into Russian legislation and regulate related to it questions. “A bill will be submitted to the State Duma and adopted, the rules of which will regulate the issue and circulation of cryptocurrencies, including the document will provide for liability for illegal actions with them,” the deputy noted.

Currently, digital currencies are seized and stored in a non-optimal and unregulated manner, notes Oleg Ogienko, director for interaction with government agencies of the largest operator of mining data centers BitRiver.

According to him, law enforcement agencies gain access to the addresses of criminals’ crypto wallets (public and private keys) in foreign countries platforms or confiscate criminals’ cold wallets in the form of flash cards with assets on them.


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